Yeoman Mission-s Generator
A generator for creating static sites using tools like Pug and Sass.
Table of Contents
- Preview with Browsersync
- Automated build process: compilation of preprocessors (Pug and Sass)
Getting Started
This generator utilizes Yeoman, Gulp and Bower to scaffold out projects, run tasks and manage front-end dependencies.
Check to see if you have Node installed, type node -v
. if you don't have installed, navigate to Node.js website and install from there.
To start a new project, you need to open up a terminal/command prompt, make a new directory, and navigate into it.
mkdir my-new-project
cd my-new-project
then, run Mission-s generator.
yo mission-s
Once everything is installed, you will see a project structure like this:
├── app/ # Folder for all the source files
| ├── dist # Folder for production build
| | ├── css # Compiled css
| | ├── img # All your img
| | ├── scripts # JS scripts
| | ├── favicon
| | ├── humans.txt
| | ├── robots.txt
| | └── index.html # Compiled pug
| ├── pug # Pug modules
| └── sass # Sass modules
├── .bowerrc
├── .editorconfig
├── .jshintrc
├── .yo-rc.json
├── bower.json # Dependencies configuration
├── gulpfile.js # Gulp task configuration
├── package.json # DevDependencies and site/folder configuration
└── # Readme file
Run gulp
to build all your pug and sass files, and also it will open a local server.
Run gulp build
to minify and compress all your css, js and images.
yo mission-s scss
Use SCSS syntax instead of SASS.
MIT © Jaime Simental