
A generator for multi entry web front end project using vue and webpack

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import generatorMultientryFe from '';


generator-multientry-fe NPM version Build Status Dependency Status Coverage percentage

A generator for multi entry web front end project using vue and webpack


First, install Yeoman

npm install -g yo
npm install -g generator-multientry-fe

Then, install generator-multientry-fe. You can choose the global installation way or locally installation way.


Generate your new project:

mkdir your-project-dir
cd your-project-dir
yo multientry-fe

Now you have a front end project within which uses webpack to make bundle and vuejs to promote your web development effiency.

If you want to start a new app in this project, just use yo command:

yo multientry-fe:page feature-name new-page-name

This will generate a html file and related webpack entry js file according to your configuration in .yo-rc.json file for you.


  • support for new vue component npm package development and publish


MIT © f-12