
Angular, scss, gulp based modular spa workflow based on yeoman

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import generatorNgSpa from '';


Yeoman Generator ng-spa

An extreamly modular yeoman generator based on Angular, Scss and Gulp oriented workflow


  • Fully modular angular app structure
  • Feature rich gulp file
  • Modular sass based styling strucure
  • Sub-generators to generate code during development

Getting started

Assuming you already have node, npm, bower, yeoman and gulp installed

install yeoman, gulp and bower globally

npm install -g gulp bower yeoman

install ng-spa generator globally

npm install -g generator-ng-spa

to create a new app

mkdir my-app && cd my-app;
yo ng-spa;


  • Everything is a module

Your main app is a module, src/js/modules/<your-app>/_module.js. Here you can make configuration changes, include modue dependencies, and even define controllers and directives. But its not a good practice to define everything in a single module. To seperate concerns we'll be creating different modules to different tasks.

  • Pages module

This is where the pages module comes on. You will have all your route pages in the <your-app>.pages moodule. An index page will be create by defaulr.

  • Sub generators

There are several sub generators included to ease the workflow

yo ng-spa:momdule - creates a module and adds it to the dependency list of the main app module

yo ng-spa:page - create pages and indlude it in to main modules routes.

yo ng-spa:directive - creates a directive in a specified module and adds an associated template or partial file

yo ng-spa:controller - creates a controller in a specified module

yo ng-spa:service - creates a specified type of service in a specified module

more on sub-generators

  • Templates vs partials

The workflow support two types of template files

*.tpl.html : compiles with the javascript files and are added to the ngTemplatecache

*.partial.html : get copied to app/partials folder which is asynchronously loaded by the app

.tpl.html files are more suited to be used with directives and .partial.html are more suited for routed pages where the template will be asynchronously loaded when a user visits a page.

  • Modular sass structure

Sass is modular too. we have four main sass folders. variables, atoms, pages, modules. which are included in styles.scss in that order. Each folder contains an _index.scss file which encapsulate its sibling files.

variables: All varuiable declarations

atoms: All atomic declarations like typography, button, input styles

pages: All styles relating to page layouts or specific to pages

modules: Modular sass components

on _bootstrap_custom.scss file you can include or remove any bootstrap modules that you want.

include your sass modules in the /sass/modules folder and import them in the /modules/_index.scss file.

Folder structure


main app module
  • router file
  • config and run files for main app module
  • bootstrap anfular app
  • index.html file for the app
|  |-index.html
|  |+js
|  |  |+modules
|  |  |  |+app
|  |  |  |  |-config.js
|  |  |  |  |-routes.js
|  |  |  |  |-run.js
|  |  |  |  |-_module.js
pages module
  • index page
  • index page partial file
  • update main app router with index page
|  |+js
|  |  |+modules
|  |  |  |+pages
|  |  |  |  |+index
|  |  |  |  |  |-index.ctrl.js
|  |  |  |  |  |-index.partial.html
|  |  |  |  |-_module.js


  • mian styles.scss file
  • bootstrap config file
  • modlar sass file structure
|  |+sass
|  |  |+atoms
|  |  |  |-_index.scss
|  |  |+modules
|  |  |  |-_index.scss
|  |  |+pages
|  |  |  |-_index.scss
|  |  |+styles.scss
|  |  |+variables
|  |  |  |-_buttons.scss
|  |  |  |-_colours.scss
|  |  |  |-_index.scss
|  |  |  |-_spacing.scss
|  |  |  |-_typography.scss
|  |  |  |-_variables.scss
|  |  |-_bootstrap_custom.scss

Other configuration files


The app folder

The app will be built in to the 'app' folder when gulp is run, Gulp runs automatically the first time you run yo ng-spa

Sub generators

run yo ng-spa:<sub-generator> --help to get help on sub-generator


yo ng-spa:module --name=mymodule

Generates a module with the given name and adds it to main app modules dependencies

|  |+js
|  |  |+modules
|  |  |  |+mymodule
|  |  |  |  |-_module.js


yo ng-spa:page --name=product.view

optional --url=<spa_url>: defines the url to be added to the routes entry.

Generates a page in the pages module and adds the page and the url to main app's routes.js file. while the name product will add the page in src/modules/pages/products/ folder, products.view will add the controller and the partial file in src/modules/pages/products/view folder. This makes it easier to organize large SPAs.


yo ng-spa:directive --name=fancy


--module=<module name>: adds the directive to specified module, or user will be prompted with a module list to select one.

--path=<module name>: path of the directive relative to the module

--template: a flag to include a .tpl.html file with the directive --html: a flag to include a .partial.html file with the directive


yo ng-spa:controller --name=product

optional opions

--module=<module name>: adds the controller to specified module, or user will be prompted with a module list to select one.

--path=<module name>: path of the controller relative to the module


yo ng-spa:service --name=api


--type=[factory, service, provider]: the type of service template to use. default: factory

--module=<module name>: adds the service to specified module, or user will be prompted with a module list to select one.

--path=<module name>: path of the service relative to the module


update yeoman

npm -g update yo


  1. Fork it!
  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  5. Submit a pull request :D


use report any issues or suggessions