
This Yeoman generator creates a folder with a module-declaration file, a controller, a view, and a test file.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import generatorNgmodule from '';



This package has not been maintained for over a year. It was originally meant as a learning experiment. Do not use as-is. It will not work at all with Angular version 2 or greater.


This Yeoman generator creates a "module" in the sense of a collection of files needed to produce a state in your Angular app. This folder consist of a module-declaration file, a controller, a view, and a Jasmine test file.

Getting Started

Make sure you have Yeoman installed globally.

npm install -g yo

Now, install this generator.

npm install -g generator-ngmodule

To generate a module, navigate to the folder in your Angular app where you wish to create a module and invoke the generator with the module name as a parameter.

yo ngmodule widgets

The generator will list the files it creates.

create widgets/
create widgets/widgets.controller.js
create widgets/widgets.controller.spec.js
create widgets/widgets.view.html

Folder Structure

The ngmodule generator creates a folder structure similar to how the MEAN.JS project lays out their module folders. If you are used to a more Rails-like folder structure (all controllers in one folder, all services in another folder, all views in a third folder, etc.), this structure may seems strange at first, but it provides the benefit that files are grouped together by what they do, and NOT by what kind of file they are.



The ngmodule generator creates a controller that uses the controllerAs-vm syntax recommended by John Papa in his Angular style guide.

For now, it also injects $scope as a dependency. I plan to make that option and add more DI options in the future.


The ngmodule generator is routing-agnostic; so, you will have to add routing configuration to use the controller and template it generates based on the routing system you use.

Here is an example of adding a state for the module if you are using ui-router.

    .state('widgets', {
        url: '/widgets',
        controller: 'widgetsController',
        controllerAs: 'vm',
        templateUrl: 'widgets.view.html'


The ngmodule generator creates a scaffold Jasmine test file for the controller, which includes a beforeEach() block and some basic tests to get you started.


The styling in the view file produced is very minimal. Unless you are just starting out, you will probably not use this generator as-is, but instead fork it and adapt it to your particular app.


The ngmodule generator is meant to automate the process of creating new modules in an already-existing Angular app. It is not for generating a full app from scratch. It may be helpful if you don't want to be tied down to a full-blown app generator, like angular-fullstack.

I hope to add more options for individual modules in the future.