
Scaffold a perfect frontend structure for your next big project

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import generatorPerfectFrontend from '';


Yeoman Perfect Frontend Generator

A Yeoman generator that scaffolds a perfect frontend structure for your next big project with Gulp tasks and watchers for:

  • Compiling your .sass files
  • Compiling your EcmaScript 6 files using babel
  • Creating svg sprites
  • Serving your files using Browsersync


Install dependencies

This generator requires yeoman, bower, gulp and ofcourse itself

npm install -g yo gulp bower generator-perfect-frontend


Inside your desired project folder run:

yo perfect-frontend

answer some questions and you're done.

Want to contribute?

How nice of you! Just send in a pull-request or contact me and you will earn my lasting gratitude.
