
A Yeoman generator to generate HTML5 games with phaser.js using Gulp and Browserify

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import generatorPhaserBrowserify from '';



A Yeoman generator to generate HTML5 games with phaser using Gulp and Browserify. Built off the work by Julien Castelain on generator-phaser. Allows the use of browserify (i.e. var player = require('Player.js')) with Phaser.

Check out this test game as an example of project layout / useage.


  • Install Node.js

  • Install the required npm modules by issuing these commands:

    npm install -g yo generator-phaser-browserify

    You can optionally install Gulp globally npm install -g gulp but you don't have to.

  • Create a new directory for your game:

    • Unix/OSX : mkdir ~/Projects/game && cd $_
    • Windows : mkdir %USERPROFILE%\Projects\game && cd %USERPROFILE%\Projects\game
  • Invoke the generator:

    yo phaser-browserify

  • Run a local development server (livereload, watchify enabled) with this command:

    npm start

    If you have Gulp installed globally you can also use: gulp

  • Package your game (i.e. minify css, html and js) with:

    npm run build

    If you have Gulp installed globally you can also use: gulp build