
A simple generator to speed up the boilerplate creation of pocs

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import generatorPocBoilerplateGenerator from '';



A simple generator to create packages with Typescript


  • Pre hooks task script for commits (prettier)
  • Pre hooks task script for pushs (run all tests)
  • Prettier
  • Jest test framework
  • Linting
  • Gitlab integration
  • Gitlab file validator
  • Semantic release


Be sure you have Yeoman installed

npm install -g yo

npm install -g generator-poc-boilerplate-generator

yo # select the generator and follow the instructions


npm run build # it compiles the project

npm test # it runs jest with watchAll enabled

npm test:local # it allows you to test the generator locally

npm run test:coverage # it runs jest and get coverage report

npm run test:tslint # it runs linter task

npm run test:formatting # it validates the format

npm run test:all # it runs all tests