
Starter templates for Polymer 2.0-preview

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import generatorPolymerInit2XApp from '';


generator-polymer-init-2-x-app NPM version Build Status

Yeoman generators that scaffold templates for a Polymer 2.0.0-rc.1 app.

This is a temporary project until the Polymer CLI and Polymer Starter Kit projects fully transition to Polymer 2.0.

Quick Start

  1. Install Polymer CLI and generator-polymer-init-2-x-app using npm or yarn.

    npm install -g polymer-cli@next      # 0.18.0-pre.10 or newer
    npm install -g generator-polymer-init-2-x-app
  2. Create a starter-kit:

    mkdir psk
    cd psk
    polymer init 2-x-app:starter-kit
  3. Build the app, and open a browser to it:

    polymer build
    polymer serve -o build/default


The following generators can be found when running Polymer CLI's init command:

$ polymer init
? Which starter template would you like to use? 
❯ 2.0-app - (2.0 preview) blank application template 
  2.0-el - (2.0 preview) blank element template 
  2.0-starter-kit - (2.0 preview) starter application template

To skip the menu prompt, you can use the internal generator names in the init command, which do not match the names shown in the init menu. Refer to the generator usages below.

2.0-app generator

A blank application template

NOTE: The polymer-cli (v0.18.0-pre.10) now supports a 2.0 application template. Use that instead.


mkdir my-app
cd my-app
polymer init 2-x-app

Given an app-name of "x-foo", this generator outputs the following directory structure:

├── bower.json
├── index.html
├── manifest.json
├── package.json
├── src
│   └── x-foo-app
│       └── x-foo-app.html
└── test
    └── x-foo-app
        └── x-foo-app_test.html

2.0-el generator

A blank element template (to be used in the blank application template). Not a standalone element-project template.


cd my-app
polymer init 2-x-app:el

Given an element-name of "x-el", this generator outputs the following directory structure:

├── src
│   └── x-el
│       └── x-el.html
└── test
    └── x-el
        └── x-el_test.html

2.0-starter-kit generator

A starter application template, with navigation and "PRPL pattern" loading


mkdir my-app
cd my-app
polymer init 2-x-app:starter-kit

Given a namespace of "zzz", this generator outputs the following directory structure:

├── bower.json
├── images
│   ├── favicon.ico
│   └── manifest
│       ├── icon-144x144.png
│       ├── icon-192x192.png
│       ├── icon-48x48.png
│       ├── icon-512x512.png
│       ├── icon-72x72.png
│       └── icon-96x96.png
├── index.html
├── manifest.json
├── polymer.json
├── service-worker.js
├── src
│   ├── zzz-app.html
│   ├── zzz-icons.html
│   ├── zzz-view1.html
│   ├── zzz-view2.html
│   ├── zzz-view3.html
│   ├── zzz-view404.html
│   └── shared-styles.html
├── sw-precache-config.js
└── test
    ├── index.html
    └── zzz-view1.html


MIT © Tony Trinh