
Polymer element generator with ES2015(ES6) sintax

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import generatorPolymeres6 from '';


Yeoman generator for Polymer element in ES6 syntax

Introduction to Polymer

Polymer is a library of polyfills and sugar which enable the use of Web Components in modern browsers. The project allows developers to build apps using the platform of tomorrow and inform the W3C of places where in-flight specifications can be further improved.

generator-polymer provides Polymer scaffolding using Yeoman (a scaffolding tool for the web), letting you easily create and customize Polymer (custom) elements via the command-line and import them using HTML Imports. This saves you time writing boilerplate code so you can start writing up the logic to your components straight away.

The generator-polymeres6

This generator is based on the "father" one made by the Polymer team. A light version with no test scaffolder (at the moment), and with an element-name.es6.js and also a transpiler version of it (element-name.js).

You will have two file composing your element: an element-name.html file which includes a element-name.js.

NOTE: The generator will not attach any transpiler (like Babel) to your element. If you will modify the ES6 version of the script, you will need to transpile it again in the ES5 version file of your element, which is include in your HTML.


  • Create Polymer elements for your app in ES6(ES2015) syntax
  • More soon...


Install the generator

npm install -g generator-polymeres6

Make a new directory and cd into it

mkdir -p my-project && cd $_

Scaffold a new Polymer project:

yo polymeres6 test-element


Available generators:

Note: Generators are to be run from the root of your app


Sets up a new Polymer element inside a app/components folder.


yo polymeres6 <element-name>

Note: You must pass in an element name, and the name must contain a dash "-"


--docs, include iron-component-page docs with your element and demo.html
--path, override default directory structure, ex: --path foo/bar will put your element in app/components/foo/bar


The element-name.html and element-name.js and element-name.es6.js files

The element generator will produce an element-name.html file where you can place your imports and where the generator itself will put the source link to the element-name.js.
This file will needs to be transpiled after the first edit of the element-name.es6.js file.
You can use easly [Babel][] and [Gulp][] to make this work done.

Folder Tree good practices

I decided to divided my app folder in:

  • components
  • assets

This means that the generator takes care of this and you will find that the imports within the files are referenced to this folders.
My idea is to put the bower_components inside the assets folder. So for example, inside the element-name.html you create, the import of Polymer will be like:

<link rel="import" href="../../../../assets/bower_components/polymer/polymer.html">


This is my very first attempt to a Yo Generator and I will be very thankful for every help and fork of this repo!
