
Sitecore Helix generator

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import generatorProdigiousHelix from '';



Yeoman generator for Sitecore Projects


First, install Yeoman and generator-prodigious-helix using npm (we assume you have pre-installed node.js).

npm install -g yo
npm install -g generator-prodigious-helix

What is it?

The purpose of prodigious-helix is to reduce the time when creating Sitecore projects following Helix guidelines


Execute the following command in an empty folder

yo prodigious-helix

It will create the initial scaffolding to start Sitecore-ing following Helix

Adding Features

Execute in the root of your existing Sitecore source code:

yo prodigious-helix:feature

...then configure your project based on yeoman questions.

Adding TDS projects to existing Features

Execute in the root of your existing Sitecore source code:

yo prodigious-helix:feature-tds

Yeoman will ask you the information of the existing project (Solution Name, Feature Name), Sitecore database and the new TDS project alias/name you want to use. The new TDS project will be named like: SolutionName.Feature.FeatureName.Alias

Adding Foundation Modules

Execute in the root of your existing Sitecore source code:

yo prodigious-helix:foundation

...then configure your project based on yeoman questions.

Adding TDS projects to existing Foundation

Execute in the root of your existing Sitecore source code:

yo prodigious-helix:foundation-tds

Yeoman will ask you the information of the existing project (Solution Name, Foundation Name), Sitecore database and the new TDS project alias/name you want to use. The new TDS project will be named like: SolutionName.Foundation.FoundationName.Alias


This generator is based on kamsar yeoman habitat generator but this implementation is not tied to habitat project and has some extra features such as:

  • Allows to create new Sitecore projects following Helix guidelines from scratch.
  • Allows to create TDS projects.
  • Allows dynamic solution names.
  • Allows to select different .NET Frameworks .