
Rarenode Yeoman generator for MEAN / MERN / MEVN Application with Express / NodeJS / KrakensJs, Mongoose or Sequelize, (Optional), Angular or ReactJS or VueJS. (Optional).

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import generatorRarenode from '';




Yeoman generator for MEAN / MERN / MEVN Application with Express / NodeJS / KrakensJs, Mongoose or Sequelize, (Optional), Angular or ReactJS or VueJS. (Optional).

Yeoman generator for:

  • Express with KrakenJS
  • Mongoose or Sequelize
  • (Optional)
  • Angular or ReactJS or VUEJS
  • Webpack4 and Babel7


As this is a yeoman generator, make sure you have yeoman installed:

npm install -g yo

To install the generator:

npm install -g generator-rarenode


cd /path/to/app/directory; yo rarenode

Files & App Structure

+-- app/
|   +-- controllers/
|   +-- lib/
|   +-- models/
+-- config/
|   +-- config.json
|   +-- development.json
|   +-- production.json
+-- .gitignore
+-- .npmignore
+-- .editorconfig
+-- .eslintrc
+-- package.json
+-- server.js
+-- index.js

This generator is somewhat opinionated. You might be interested in knowing the following things about the way it sets the app.

Sequelize & Mongoose

  • It loads all the models on the variable global.db

  • While loading models, it converts snake cased file names found under app/models into camel case model name. For example, a file named user_chats will be available as global.db.UserChats

  • If you choose sequelize

    • update your mysql username & password in config/database.js


  • Authentication is implemented by defualt.
  • If you want modification in rules just update the keys in config/config.json in authentication object. For example by defualt all users routes will be bypass with this regex. authentication.route:"\/api\/v1((?!$))((?!\/root\/))((?!\/users))*".
  • If you want bypass some specific routes, For example users/login, users/sign-up. just update the rules regex in authentication.route:"\/api\/v1((?!$))((?!\/root\/))((?!\/users\/login))((?!\/users\/sign-up))*".

Typescript Support

  • Coming Soon.

Redux & Epics

  • Coming Soon.


  • npm install
  • npm run build
  • npm client-start
  • npm dev-start
  • npm run migrate