
A generator for Yeoman with React, jQuery, Backbone, Bootstrap, Browserify, Express and Mongoose

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import generatorReactApp from '';



A generator for Yeoman.

What can i do with it ?

  • generate single page application with React, jQuery, Backbone and Bootstrap.
  • it uses Browserifiy
  • it uses Grunt with grunt-browserify and grunt-contrib-watch
  • generate Mongoose + Express project
  • generate some React "bootstrapped" components ("skeleton" component, tabulation) (more to come)
  • generate some React "bootstrapped" components linked to Backbone Models or Collections (more to come)

Sub generators list :

  • yo react-app:mgroutes Human : generate express routes, mongoose Human Model, Human Controller

  • yo react-app:bbmc Human generate Backbone a Human Model and Collection.js

  • yo react-app:formbb HumanForm Human generate a form linked to a Backbone Human Model

  • yo react-app:tablebb HumansTable Human generate a table linked to a Backbone Human Collection

  • yo react-app:listbb HumansList Human generate a list linked to a Backbone Human Collection

  • yo react-app:tab ApplicationTab create a "Bootstrap" Tab (and tab panes) inside a container (ie:div)

  • yo react-app:shell MyComponent tagName create a React Component skeleton

Getting Started


To install generator-react-app from npm, run:

$ npm install -g generator-react-app

Create an application


mkdir myapp
cd myapp
yo react-app


 _____             _       _____
| __  |___ ___ ___| |_ ___|  _  |___ ___
|    -| -_| .'|  _|  _|___|     | . | . |
|__|__|___|__,|___|_|     |__|__|  _|  _|
                                |_| |_|
Hi! This is a React-Express-Mongoose Generator :) Enjoy!
[?] Application name? MyApplication
[?] DataBase name? mydatabase

Type your application name (ie: MyApplication), then database name (ie: mydatabase) and valid, and wait ...

3-first launch

  • start MongoDb (mongod)
  • start grunt watch
  • start Application : node app.js (use node monitor it's useful)
  • open your webapp : http://localhost:3000

Add Express routes, Mongoose Schemas, models and controllers (back side)

Type yo react-app:mgroutes Human (where Human is the model name), then describe schema and url (keep default value)

[?] mongoose schema (ie: name: String, remark: String)? firstName : String, lastName : String
[?] url? humans

3 files are created :

create models/Human.js
create routes/Humans.routes.js
create controllers/HumansCtrl.js

Remark: Each time, ./all.routes.js file is automatically updated (to load all routes)

Add Backbone Model and Collection

Type yo react-app:bbmc Human, it generates 2 files:

  • public/modules/models/HumanModel.js
  • public/modules/models/HumansCollection.js

You need form and data table

1-create human form

Type yo react-app:formbb HumanForm Human (where HumanForm is the React component Name, Human the associated model)

[?] model name (ie: Book) Human
[?] fields (for UI) (ie : title, author)? firstName, lastName
[?] url? humans
  • Fill the Model name (keep default value)
  • Fill the fields (same as Mongoose Schema)
  • Fill url (keep default value)

1 new file is generated :

create public/js/react_components/HumanForm.js

2-create humans data table

Type yo react-app:tablebb HumansTable Human

[?] model name (ie: Book) Human
[?] fields (for UI) (ie : title, author)? firstName, lastName
[?] url? humans

1 new file is generated :

create public/js/react_components/HumansTable.js

3-integrate our 2 components

Open public/js/modules/main.js and replace content with this :

/** @jsx React.DOM */
var React   = require('react');
var Backbone = require("backbone");
var About = require('../react_components/About');

var HumanForm = require('../react_components/HumanForm');
var HumansTable = require('../react_components/HumansTable');


  <HumansTable pollInterval={500}/>,


Then open public/index.html and replace :

<div class="container">
  <div class="row">
    <div class="col-md-6 about_my_app">
    <div class="col-md-6 about_how_to">


<div class="container">
  <div class="row">
    <div class="col-md-6">
    <div class="col-md-6">
      <HumansTable pollIntervall={500}/>

You can now re-start node app.js. That's All!

Other sub generators

  • Tab : yo react-app:tab ApplicationTab div create a "Bootstrap" Tab (and tab panes) inside a container (ie:div)
  • Shell : yo react-app:shell MyComponent div create a React Component skeleton
  • more to come ... WIP

Remark: all components are generated to the public/js/components directory. Each time, public/js/all.scripts.js file is automatically updated (to load components)

Shell sample :

/** @jsx React.DOM */
var MyComponent = React.createClass({

  getInitialState: function() {
    return {content:"..."};

  componentWillMount: function() {},
  componentDidMount: function() {},

  render: function() {
    return (

Use MyComponent :

/*--- javascript side ---*/

<!-- html side -->
<div class="mycomponent"></div>

Put components inside Tab component

Add dependencies :

var HumanForm = require('./HumanForm');
var HumansTable = require('./HumansTable');

This is the render method of a Tab component :

render: function() {

  return (
    <div id={}>

      <ul className="nav nav-tabs">
        <li><a href="#humanform" data-toggle="tab">HumanForm</a></li>
        <li><a href="#humantable" data-toggle="tab">HumanTable</a></li>


      <div className="tab-content">
        <div className="tab-pane" id="humanform">
          <div className="container">content of HumanForm</div>
        <div className="tab-pane" id="humantable">
          <div className="container">content of HumanTable</div>


If you want to use our Form and Table components inside Tab component, it's simple, you have just to change panes content like that :

<div className="tab-content">
  <div className="tab-pane" id="humanform">
    <div className="container">
  <div className="tab-pane" id="humantable">
    <div className="container">
      <HumansTable pollIntervall={500}/>

and replace source code of main.js by this :

/** @jsx React.DOM */
var React   = require('react');
var Backbone = require("backbone");

var BigTab = require('../react_components/BigTab');


 <BigTab id={"42"}/>,

and update index.html :


<div class="container">
  <div class="row">
    <div class="col-md-6">
    <div class="col-md-6">
      <HumansTable pollIntervall={500}/>


<div class="container">

That's all

Backbone generators

  • Model and Collection : yo react-app:bbmc Human generate public/modules/models/HumanModel.js and public/modules/models/HumansCollection.js


MIT License