
Generator for React with Typescript and bundled with Parcel

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import generatorReactTypescriptParcel from '';


React Typescript Yeoman Generator


Often times, configuring react project would take a lot of times and it is very frustrating to set up all the build system and other configuration like tests config properly.

This project is to help developer to be able to scaffold frontend project quickly using yeoman generator.

How to

Scaffold Your Project:

  • Install Yeoman globally

npm install -g yo

  • Install the generator in your machine

npm install -g generator-react-typescript-parcel

  • Scaffold your project

yo react-typescript-parcel

Running Development Mode

yarn start

Running the Test

yarn test

Building for Production

yarn build


  • React
  • Typescript
  • SASS
  • CSS module
  • React Testing Library
  • Jest
  • Parcel