
A bare-bones yeoman generator built from create-react-app with some additions to make it easy to kick-start and manage projects that use react redux redux-saga material-ui jss and immutable-js

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import generatorReduxSagaMaterial from '';



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A bare-bones yeoman generator built from create-react-app with some additions to make it easy to kick-start and manage projects that use:

  • React for building the UI.
  • Redux for state management.
  • Redux Saga redux middleware for handling side effects.
  • Material-UI for react components based on google's material design.
  • JSS for css in js styling.
  • Immutable JS for immutable data in stores.

Also contains:

  • Linting using eslint
  • Precommit hooks that run the linter.

Installation and usage


  • Node.js version >=8.0.0. You can use nvm to manage different node versions.
  • Install yeoman and generator-redux-saga-material globally.
npm install -g yo
npm install -g generator-redux-saga-material

Then to set up a new project:

# Create a directory and cd into it
mkdir web-app && cd web-app

# To create a new project in the current directory, run the generator
yo redux-saga-material

# Start the project
yarn start

# Generating a new component
yo redux-saga-material:component SomeComponentName

# Generating a new container
yo redux-saga-material:container SomeContainerName


Contributions are welcome. Create issues for errors and requests, submit PRs against the develop branch.


MIT license