
Yeoman generator for react

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import generatorRjs from '';



A Yeoman generator for boostrapping a React project with the following technologies:

  • Jest as a test framework, with 100% enforced code coverage
  • Enzyme to test react components
  • SemistandardJS for linting
  • Webpack for bundling
  • Husky for commit hooks


  1. Installing yeoman and the generator:
npm install -g yo
npm install -g generator-rjs
  1. Create your project directory, and inside it run yo rjs
  2. Enjoy!


Once generated, the following scripts can be used in your project

"build:dev": builds with webpack in dev mode,
"build:prod": builds with webpack in prod mode,
"start:dev": starts a webpack server with hot reloading in dev mode,
"start:prod": starts a webpack server with hot reloading in prod mode,
"lint": lints the code with semistandard,
"test": runs unit tests,
"test:coverage": runs test coverage