
generator-simplecraftplugin is a Yeoman generator for Craft CMS plugins customised for Simple

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import generatorSimplecraftplugin from '';



generator-simplecraftplugin is a Yeoman generator for Craft CMS plugins

Type just yo simplecraftplugin and a new Craft CMS plugin tailored to your liking will be created.

This is a modified version based on the version created by nystudio107. You can access original version here.

❗️This version is meant for internal use in Simple team. Use it at your own risk! ❗️This version is meant for internal use in Simple team. Use it at your own risk! ❗️This version is meant for internal use in Simple team. Use it at your own risk!


This assumes you have nodejs, npm, and yeoman installed already.


To create a new Craft CMS plugin and use generator-simplecraftplugin to scaffold it:

yo simplecraftplugin

Brought to you by Simple Integrated Marketing