
Yeoman generator for creating very basic web application with Spring MVC and Tomcat.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import generatorSpringMagic from '';



Yeoman generator for creating very basic web application with Spring MVC and Tomcat.

Create a basic spring web application in just 2 seconds !!


Installing spring-magic

generator-spring magic can be installed from npm, running following commad (after having all prerequisites in machine):

npm install -g generator-spring-magic


Quick set-up spring-boot web application ( 2 seconds [magic])

we can trigger generator to generate basic spring-boot web application with following command:

yo spring-magic [your-app-name]

By doing this, spring-magic will generate a spring web project with following properties: project name: [your-app-name] base name (artifact-id): [your-app-name] goup-id:com.example.[your-app-name]

Suppose, if [your-app-name] is magic, then it will instantly generate spring-boot web project will following structure:

-- magic
    |-- pom.xml
    `-- src
        |-- main
        |   |-- java
        |   |   `-- com
        |   |       `-- example
        |   |           `-- magic
        |   |               `--
        |   `-- resources
        |       |--
        |       `-- static
        |           `-- index.html
        `-- test
            `-- java
                `-- com
                    `-- example
                        `-- magic

Set-up spring-boot web application answering 2 questions [magic]

we can generate spring-boot web application with few propeties provided by user with following command:

yo spring-magic

By doing this, spring-magic will ask you following questions:

  1. What is the name of your project (or artifact)?
  2. What is your group Id for your package? Based upon our answer, it will generate spring-boot web application with mentioned properties.

After project generation, open it with intelliJ and build and run the project. If everything goes well, we will see a running web application at: http://localhost:8080/

Thanks for reading. Any suggestion and/or improvement are highly welcome !!