
Generator for a WordPress starter theme (using Stan Lee) with Gulp, Bootstrap and other good stuff

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import generatorStanlee from '';



Yeoman generator for a WordPress starter theme (using StanLee) with Gulp and other good stuff. This will install the last version of StanLee and optionally a Gulp setup ready for development and production.

Générateur Yeoman pour un thème de démarrage de WordPress (Utilisant StanLee). Utilise Gulp et d'autres bonnes choses. Cela permet d'installer la dernière version de StanLee et optionnellement une configuration de Gulp prêt au développement et la production.

Installation Version FRANCAISE


Install required tools yo and gulp:
npm install -g yo gulp
Install generator-stanlee:
npm install -g generator-stanlee


Create a new directory, and go into:
mkdir my-new-theme && cd $_
Run yo stanlee, and fill the info:
yo stanlee

Gulp usage

  • Run gulp to watch for changes

  • Run gulp build to build your theme for production (you will find a file in my-new-theme/dist/)

  • (Optional) Run gulp build-clean before gulp build to cleanup the my-new-theme/dist/ folder

Bower usage || Utilisation de Bower

  • Run bower install --save <package> to install frontend dependencies

  • Run gulp wiredep to include SCSS file in /sass/style.scss


MIT Copyright (c) 2016 [Thomas & Mathilde]