
Generates a basic example react app with webpack 3 + react 16 + hot reload

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import generatorStartupReactApp from '';



Yeoman generator for ReactJS - lets you quickly set up a project, including jest for unit test and code coverage runner and Webpack module system.


Generator-startup-react-app will help you build new React projects using modern technologies.

Out of the box it comes with support for:

  • React 16
  • Ui-material
  • React-router
  • Webpack 3
  • ES2015 via Babel-Loader
  • Different supported style languages (sass, scss)
  • Style transformations via PostCSS
  • Automatic code linting via esLint
  • Ability to unit test components via jest
  • Code coverage with jest
  • Hot-reload

Changes since version 0.0.6

This generator is written in ES2015. This means it is not compatible with node.js versions before 8.9.4.

If you are interested, feel free to write your own generator and use generator-startup-react-app as a base (via composition).


# Make sure both is installed globally
npm install -g yo
npm install -g generator-startup-react-app
npm install -g yarn

Setting up projects

# Create a new directory, and `cd` into it:
mkdir my-new-project && cd my-new-project

# Run the generator
yo startup-react-app


The following commands are available in your project:

# Start for development
yarn run dev

# Start the dev-server with the dist version
yarn run start

# Just build the dist version and copy static files
yarn run build

# Run unit tests and get code coverage
yarn run test

# Auto-run unit tests on file changes
yarn run test:auto

# Lint all files in src (also automatically done AFTER tests are run)
yarn run eslint


Contributions are welcomed. When submitting a bugfix, write a test that exposes the bug and fails before applying your fix. Submit the test alongside the fix.


MIT license