
Yeoman generator for a static app skeleton with gulp + browserify + less + backbone + bootstrap + deployment

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import generatorStaticAppSkeleton from '';


Yeoman Generator for a Backbone + LESS + gulp + Browserify Static App Skeleton


This yeoman generator provides you with a static app skeleton for creating and deploying a one page static html/js/css app. It uses a bunch web technologies to help workflow, organization and rapid development.

It uses:

  • Backbone as it's MVC.
  • LESS as it's css pre-processor.
  • gulp as it's task runner.
  • Browserify as it's dependency manager.
  • And several packages come pre-installed to help out with things (Bootstrap, jQuery, lodash, BrowserSync, Font Awesome and more)


First, make sure you have yeoman installed globally. npm install yo -g

Once you have that you can install this generator. npm install -g generator-static-app-skeleton

One major thing this repo uses is gulp. You'll need to set that up globally. npm install -g gulp

Generating Your App

Create your project directory and cd into it: mkdir {app-dirname} && cd {app-dirname}

And run yo static-app-skeleton.

You'll get a few prompts about customizing your app.

Using Your App

There's a little bit of setup left to do before you can do everything you might need to.

FTP Deployment

To enable ftp deployment to remote servers, go into the gulp folder and copy and rename .ftppass.sample to .ftppass and change the values to whatever your ftp information is. It can handle both passwords and ssh keys for sftp. This is so you can deploy to dev, ref/staging/ and production sites. Use any or all of them.

Serving Your App and Listening for Changes

Run gulp to compile all the less, js and copies the images, fonts, and markup into a .build folder for serving using BrowserSync. This will also watch for changes and reload or inject css when a file is saved.

More Gulp Commands

gulp -c or gulp --clean=true will first delete the previous build folder.

gulp watch starts watching your project for changes so it can compile and show your changes in a browser right away.

gulp dev [-c] compiles everything and deploys to your dev site defined in .ftppass

gulp staging [-c] compiles everything and deploys to your staging site defined in .ftppass

gulp production [-c] compiles everything and deploys to your production site defined in .ftppass