
Yeoman generator for fun & profit

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import generatorTamagotchi from '';


Tamagotchi - The yeoman pet

Basic usage

WebApp creation

  • Create a project folder

    mkdir MyApp

    cd MyApp

  • Run the generator to create the base app

    yo tamagotchi

Component creation

  • Run the sub-generator for components skeleton (you must be at the app root)

    yo tamagotchi:component my-first-component

Reverse proxy support (optional)


Scenario: You need to hit a remote server where the services are deployed.


Configuration example

reverse proxy sample

1 - If you answer yes tamagotchi will add support for reverse proxy and will make some questions.

2 - Generally there is a prefix in the URLs which helps you to separate the webapp from the services.

For example:

In this case the URL prefix is /services

3 - In the example I'm using as backend, but my webapp is running in my local computer (for example

4 - For the port, I'm using 8081, but it could be any valid port number.

5 - The last question is related to the protocol, in the example I'm using https.

Install for developers

  • Make sure you have yo installed:

    npm install -g yo bower grunt-cli

  • Clone the project

    git clone

  • Create a branch for your code (only required if you will do a change inside the generator).

    git checkout -b my-changes-proposal

  • Link (simulate the standard installation till we have an official package)

    cd generator-tamagotchi

    npm link

NOTE: ONLY WINDOWS ENVIROMENT If you change between branches you must execute npm rm -g generator-tamagotchi and npm link to update the generator

  • If you are updating your local copy of master, after merge the last changes:

    npm install

    With this, any dependency updated inside the generator will be automatically installed :smile: