TFS Task Generator
Yeoman generator to scaffold out a custom build or release task for TFS 2015 or Visual Studio Team Services.
To use this generator you need to have Node.js and Yeoman installed.
Download and install Node.js from the Node.js website.
Once you have Node.js installed, you can install Yeoman using the following:
npm install -g yo
To install this generator, run the following:
npm install -g generator-tfstask
Scaffolding a new task
When you are ready to create a new task, create the root directory for your project and navigate to it in a terminal.
This generator can scaffold a new PowerShell based, or a Node.js based, task. To scaffold a PowerShell based task, use:
yo tfstask
And for Node.js based tasks simply add the --node
or -n
yo tasktask --node
Follow the prompts to provide the specifics about your task. When the generator is finished it will have created the following in the project root:
+-- TaskName
| +-- icon.png
| +-- task.json
| +-- TaskName.ps1
Adding a group
You can use the group subgenerator to create a new group and add it to the groups array in your task.json. Run the following from your project root:
yo tfstask:group
Adding an input
You can use the input subgenerator to create a new input and add it to the input array in your task.json. Run the following from your project rot:
yo tfstask:input