
Yeoman generator

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import generatorTmprojectGulp from '';



This is a project generator to quick start a new web project. This Yeoman generator will set up your directories and provide you with two Gulp tasks: $ gulp for development and $ gulp build to compile your project.


Installing generator-tmproject-gulp

Run $ npm install -g generator-tmproject-gulp

Setup a new project

  1. Create an empty directory for your project: $ mkdir ~/Sites/my_new_project && cd $_
  2. Run the generator: $ yo tmproject-gulp

Project directories

You will be asked a couple basic questions to start your project up. When you are done you should have a project directory that looks like this:

+ app
  + bower_components/
  + assets/images/
  + assets/javascripts/
  + assets/stylesheets/
+ dist
  + assets/javascripts/
  + assets/images/
  + assets/stylesheets/
+ gulp
        + tasks

About your new project


Bower will manage your project dependencies. If you run jQuery, Fancybox, Flexsider or any other libraries this is where they'll live.

Adding libraries to your project

If you need to add Fancybox to your project you can search the Bower library for it by running $ bower search fancybox. Once you find the one you are looking for, just run $ bower install fancybox -S and the Fancybox library will now be in app/bower_components. You can also remove a dependency by running $ bower uninstall fancybox -S.

Note: You must use -S in your bower command to add the dependency to your bower.json file.

Related files

.bowerrc: Configures the path to the bower_components directory (don't change this) bower.json: Specifies all of the dependencies used in the project.


Place any project images in this directory. Running $ gulp build will move your images to dist/images and compress them.


You are able to use .styl and .css files (though I'd recommend just using .styl). If you are running the $ gulp process, you may want to restart it when creating new files.


If you want to reference a .styl or .css file in your template you must use _compiled in your path. For example, if your .styl file is located at stylesheets/myfile.styl your HTML should be <link rel="stylesheet" href="/_compiled/stylesheets/myfile.css">.


This is the compiled version of your web project. You deploy this, and only this, folder to the web server.

Miscellaneous files

  • .gitignore: A standard gitignore file to ignore compiled directories and other OS-based files and folders.
  • .htaccess: A basic htaccess file provided by the HTML5 Boilerplate.
  • gulpfile.js: A list of the tasks that run on $ gulp and $ gulp build
  • package.json: A list of dependencies for the Gulp tasks.