
Yeoman generator for tollwerk TYPO3 projects

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import generatorTollwerk from '';


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The Yeoman generator we use at tollwerk to kickstart TYPO3 projects and setup our Gulp based toolchain.

Installation & usage

To globally install this generator from npm, run:

$ npm install -g generator-tollwerk

To use the generator and kickstart a TYPO3 project, change to the installation directory and run:

$ sudo -u <user> -g <group> yo tollwerk

Please replace <user> and <group> with your webserver user and group.

TYPO3 projects

In the first step the generator will walk you through a couple of questions and ask you for some basic project details:

Property Description
project Unique project key / namespace, alphanumeric characters only, lowercased, used as project resource directory
title Readable title of the project
author Project publisher
version TYPO3 version to install (will get pulled live from

The generator will then download the specified TYPO3 sources, install them in composer mode, prepare a _cli_lowlevel user and ask you to run the TYPO3 installation wizard through your browser before proceeding with the generator. It is assumed that you have your webserver setup in place at that point. Please be aware that in composer installations the web directory is the root of your TYPO3 site. Continue the generator when you finished the installation wizard.

Property Description
t3x_* Please select the TYPO3 extensions you'd like to be installed out of the box (mainly FluidTYPO3 & some tollwerk extensions)
url Official project URL
git Git repository URL (repository will be initialized when given)

The generator will then

  • prepare a project specific directory structure,
  • pre-configure TYPO3 to use the external TypoScript sources,
  • use composer to install the selected TYPO3 extensions and
  • run an npm to pull in the Gulp toolchain.

Project structure (simplified)

|-- composer.json                           # Composer configuration
|-- fractal                                 # Fractal component library
|   |-- build                               # Static HTML export
|   |-- components                          # Components (extracted from TYPO3)
|   |-- docs                                # Documentation
|   `-- public
|-- fractal.js                              # Fractal configuration
|-- gulpfile.js                             # Gulp file
|-- package.json                            # NPM configuration
`-- web
    |-- .htaccess                           # Apache .htaccess
    |-- fileadmin
    |   `-- <project>
    |       |-- css                         # Processed CSS resources
    |       |   |-- fonts
    |       |   `-- img
    |       |-- icons                       # Optimized single SVG icons
    |       |-- img
    |       `-- js                          # Processed JavaScript resources
    |-- index.php
    |-- robots.txt                          # Restrictive robots.txt for dev purposes
    |-- typo3
    |-- typo3conf
    |   `-- ext
    |       |-- tw_<project>                # Project provider extension
    |       |-- tw_componentlibrary         # Component library          
    |       `-- ...                         # Additional extensions selected during setup
    |-- typo3temp
    `-- uploads

As of the v2.0.0 release, all custom code goes into the project specific provider extension tw_<project>, which is layouted like this (simplified):

tw_<project>                                # Test configuration
|-- Build                                   
|-- Classes                                 # Extbase stuff & other classes
|   |-- Controller
|   `-- Domain
|-- Components                              # Components
|-- Configuration
|   |-- TCA                                 # TCA definitions
|   `-- TypoScript
|       |-- Main                            # Site specific TypoScript
|       |   |-- 10_main.t3s                 # Main TypoScript template for inclusion
|       |   |-- Lang
|       |   |   |-- 10_en.t3s               # English language settings
|       |   |   `-- 20_de.t3s               # German language settings (etc.)
|       |   |-- Lib
|       |   |   |-- 10_header.t3s           # Header libraries
|       |   |   |-- 20_fluid.t3s            # FLUIDTEMPLATE libraries
|       |   |   `-- 30_footer.t3s           # Footer libraries
|       |   |-- Page
|       |   |   |-- 10_page_config.t3s      # Page configuration
|       |   |   |-- 20_page_templating.t3s  # Layouts, templates & variables
|       |   |   |-- 30_page_head.t3s        # <head> configuration
|       |   |   `-- 40_page_rendering.t3s   # Content rendering settings
|       |   |-- Plugins
|       |   `-- TSconfig
|       |       |-- page.t3s                # Page TSConfig for inclusion
|       |       `-- user.t3s                # User TSConfig for inclusion
|       `-- Setup
|           |-- constants.txt               # Extension constants
|           `-- setup.txt                   # Extension TypoScript
|-- Resources
|   |-- Private
|   |   |-- Css                             # (Unprocessed) PostCSS resources
|   |   |-- Favicon                         # Favicon template
|   |   |-- Fragments                       # Non-Fluid templates (e.g. shortbread resource loading fragments)
|   |   |-- Icons                           # SVG icons
|   |   |-- Javascript                      # (Unprocessed) JavaScript resources
|   |   |-- Language                        # XLIFF localization resources
|   |   |-- Layouts                         # Fluid layouts
|   |   |-- Partials                        # Fluid partials
|   |   |-- Templates                       # Fluid templates
|   |   `-- TypoScript                     
|   |       `-- 35_page_resources.t3s       # Resource loading TypoScript template 
|   `-- Public
|       |-- Css                             # Processed CSS resources
|       |-- Icons                           # Extension icons
|       `-- Javascript                      # Processed JavaScript resources
`-- Tests


Please refer to the changelog for a complete release history.


Copyright © 2016 tollwerk GmbH / Joschi Kuphal.

generator-tollwerk is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.