Too Much Angular!

After writing yet another angular application, I figured it would be best to create a scaffolder fine-tuned to my needs.
What's in the box?
- Service for auth
- Service for sessions
- Starter page
- Starter Sass files
- Html templating
npm install -g gulp yo generator-toomuchng
mkdir my_new_project
cd my_new_project
yo toomuchng
Before running the app for the first time, you will need to create a new package for your project:
npm init
Running Your Shiny, New App
There are prebuilt gulp tasks that are generated for building, testing, and deploying your code.
The build task supports live reload, and file watching for changes - keeping development as streamlined as possible. To build and run on a local server, simply type:
Test specs use phantomjs, which will give access to the DOM for assertions. Karma is used for running the specs. See the karma.conf.js file as well as karma documentation for more info. Run tests with:
gulp spec
Currently, the only deploy option is to use an AWS bucket, however more alternatives may be added in the future. It is required that you fill in your AWS id, password, and bucket in the gulp_tasks/secrets.js
file. To deploy, use:
gulp deploy
Scaffolding Subcomponents
Collections are objects purposed with holding their model counterparts. When creating a collection, you will also need to specify the model type that it will hold.
yo toomuchng:collection
? Collection name: Users
? Model of collection: User
create assets/collections/Users.collection.js
A component is a dynamic partial view. Creating a new component will gear you with a new directive file as well as html and sass files.
yo toomuchng:component
? Component name: Navigation
create assets/components/Navigation.component.js
For directives that do not need html or css, use this generator! Although this is used less, it pairs very nicely with filters.
yo toomuchng:directive
? Directive name: phone
create assets/directives/phone.directive.js
Creates a new filter.
yo toomuchng:filter
? Filter name: phoneFilter
create assets/filters/phoneFilter.filter.js
Not to be confused with "Model", modals are used to create a window overlay. This is most commonly used for forms when editing or creating models.
yo toomuchng:modal
? Modal name: User
create assets/modals/userModal.controller.js
create assets/modals/
create assets/modals/userModal.template.html
Model objects are used to hold business logic data. Be sure to checkout the collections generator.
yo toomuchng:model
? Model name: User
create assets/models/User.model.js
Creating a new page generate controller, html and sass files for you. Be sure to update your router file with the correct information.
yo toomuchng:page
? Page name: dashboard
create assets/pages/
Services are great for extraneous logic that you don't want cluttering your page controllers.
yo toomuchng:service
? Service name: urlService
create assets/services/urlService.service.js
File Tree
A sample file structure:

I will try to keep this repo updated with issues. If you're bored, feel free to grab one! Try to keep the styling similar.