
quick set up for third party games to join our platform

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import generatorTouchpalGame from '';



Yeoman generator for simply generate games based on TouchPal.


Demo with start page.

Demo without start page.


    npm install --global yo generator-touchpal-game


    yo touchpal-game

1. Input your game info under instructions including :

Question Default value Is required Remarks
Company ID / Please contact us and we will provide it.
Game ID / Follow the format of let-s-use-lowercase-letter.
Game title / Your game name.
Game description / Use English to briefly introduce the game within 3 sentences.
Adsense ad unit ID / Please contact us and we will provide it.
Show start page true x Check demo with start page, demo without start page
Need to custom template styles? false x YES to get custom.css to custom your own styles


$ yo touchpal-game
? Company ID:  touchpal
? Game ID:  free-game
? Game title:  Free Game
? Game description:  Free Games!
? Adsense ad unit ID:  7523929010
? Show start page ? No
? Need to custom template styles? ? No

This will generates the project at ./touchpal-fun-game/.

2. Fill game_file and icon folders in the project to complete your game!

  • game_file: Your game source, name your game entry with game.html

  • icon: icons and banners

• 128.png(Square icon with rounded corners, 128x128 ) • 128_2.png(Square icon, 128x128 ) • 192.png(Square icon with rounded corners, 192x192 ) • 192_2.png(Square icon, 192x192 ) • 512.png(Square icon with rounded corners, 512x512 ) • 512_2.png(Square icon, 512x512 ) • banner_320_240.jpg (Game banner, 320x240 ) • banner_600_193.jpg(Game banner, 600x193 ) • banner_600_315.jpg(Game banner, 600x315 )

3. execute gulp check to check your project.

It will:

  • recognize icons & banners and format their name
  • minify your images
  • check existence of necessary source