
Scaffold modern frontend web apps or web pages with a static site generator, Grunt and/or Gulp, Sass and Bower. Use modern frameworks like Bourbon, Bootstrap or Foundation and structure your JavaScript with ES Harmony support.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import generatorVeams from '';


One of the most flexible and efficient Yeoman generator to build Frontend Web Apps, HTML5 web interfaces and Prototypes.

Visit the Veams website.

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Head to the site for a detailed overview and further instructions.

Here just a short overview:

  1. You can use Grunt or Gulp as task runner
  2. You can choose of many plugins for your task runner
  3. You can use a static site generator like Assemble or Mangony
  4. You can add Bootstrap, Foundation, Bourbon and Lost to your project
  5. You can use RequireJS or Browserify (with Babelify)
  6. You can add BackboneJS, ExoskeletonJS, Veams and jQuery
  7. You can enable hinting and linting
  8. You can add WebdriverIO as test suite
  9. You can add the complete Veams stack to your project
  10. You can build a technical HTML documentation


I recommend to install veams-cli.

If you only want to install the generator, just install it via: npm install -g generator-veams.


I recommend to use veams-cli to scaffold projects, blueprints or something else.

If you want to start generator-veams without veams-cli you can do the following:

yo veams

Release History
