
A yeoman generator that will help you bootstrap your webapp with gulp.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import generatorWebInitium from '';



NPM info

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Web Initium is a yeoman generator that will help you bootstrap your webapp with gulp. Choose your favorite pre-processor, JS libraries etc... and let Web Initium do the rest.

There are of course lots of webapp scaffolding generators out there (for example the awesome generator-gulp-webapp. This repo, however, is made to make the build and develop process more personal, richer and efficient. In other words, the developer can choose from a broad variety of customizations and automated tasks, ready to make it big and rich! :)


Please make sure you have the following installed globally:


  • SASS preprocessing
  • Create CSS sourcemaps
  • CSS Autoprefixer
  • BrowserSync (livereload, sync on other devices)
  • Twig Templating Engine
  • Image resizer (e.g. for generating favicons)
  • JSDoc generator
  • SASSdoc generator
  • Style Guide generator
  • JSHint
  • Create a build folder:
    • Bump a version number (also git tag)
    • Automatic image optimization
    • Concat and minify JS
    • Minifies HTML
    • Copies all necessary files

How to install

Make sure you have the dependencies described above installed:


Go to and download & install NodeJS on your System.


Run npm install -g bower to install bower globally on your system


Run npm install -g yo to install yeoman globally on your system

Web Initium Generator

Run npm install -g generator-web-initium. Also, make sure GraphicsMagick or ImageMagick is installed on your system and properly set up in your PATH.


apt-get install imagemagick
apt-get install graphicsmagick

Mac OS X (using Homebrew):

brew install imagemagick
brew install graphicsmagick

Windows & others:

Confirm that GraphicsMagick or ImageMagick is properly set up by executing gm -version or convert -version in a terminal.


In the generated gulpfile.js file, please adjust the global var config to your needs.


Run yo web-initium and follow the steps. After successfully installed everything, run gulp serve (or alternatively npm start) to start the server with your generated webapp.

How to build

Run gulp build, this will create a dist folder with all the necessary files

How it works

All the dev files are situated in the src directory:

  • CSS If you are using a css pre-processor, use the corresponding folder (src/scss, src/less, src/styl). A css file will be generated in the css folder. Sourcemap files will also be generated in this folder. If you are NOT using a css pre-processor, then just use files in the src/css folder.
  • HTML HTML files are in the src/views folder. Since we are using twig as a template language, we have a src/views/layout.twig file, that can be used for all pages. All twig files in the src/views/pages folder should have the same name as the .json files. This way, content and markup are nicely separated.
  • Assets All images, fonts, icons and other non-script files should be put in the src/assets directory.
  • JavaScript Use the src/js folder. If you need to add scripts to your html files, please do so in between the <!-- build:js /js/bundle.js --> <!-- endbuild --> comments in the src/views/layout file, as this will make sure your script will be concatenated and minified together with all the other scripts.
  • Documentation The src/doc folder is where all the generated documentation will be. For JavaScript, we'll be using JSDoc, for SASS SassDoc.
  • Style Guide We'll be using SC5 Style Guide. The generated content will be written to ./styleguide. This will be automaticaly served on port 3002 (default) if you run gulp.


  • Support LESS and Stylus
  • Looking into gulp-load-plugins
  • Support for coffeescript & typescript
  • Add options for using sourcemaps, docs and stylesheet.
  • Generate favicons / apple icons
  • Improve tests
  • Documentation


generator-web-initium is distributed under the MIT License.