
Simple yeoman webpack generator with vuejs and stylus.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import generatorWebpackVue from '';



This is a simple yeoman generator to build a Webpack dev environment.


You need yeoman to make this generator work.

npm install -g yo

Then install the generator

npm install -g generator-logaretm-webpack


My setup is using VueJS and Webpack along with Babel.js and Stylus for frontend things.

I use Laravel as a backend framework, so some configurations may be opinionated towards it, like the resources paths.

I also like to use webpack-merge to split webpack configuration into multiple files and strategies. and then validate them using webpack-validator.

basically there is the webpack.config.js which will be outputted to the root of the current directory. and there are those files inside ./build:

  • base.config.js: contains the base config for the application, loaders and vendor definitions.
  • dev.config.js: contains some dev-specific configuration like the dev server.
  • prod.config.js: contains the production config and optimizations.

below is the complete list of stuff included.

Update Frequency

Most of my work is backend, so some stuff may not be "best practice" this is simply what works for me.

Having said that, I will update this whenever I learn something new, so if you have any suggestions feel free to provide them.


  • babel-loader
  • css-loader
  • file-loader
  • url-loader
  • stylus-loader
  • vue-html-loader
  • vue-loader
  • vue-style-loader


  • extract-text-webpack-plugin
  • purifycss-webpack-plugin
  • clean-webpack-plugin
  • webpack-manifest-plugin


  • eslint
  • cross-env
  • webpack-merge
  • webpack-validator