
Yeoman generator

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import generatorWpMake from '';



WP-Make is a Yeoman generator for quickly creating new WordPress projects based on some established template designs currently used by 10up.

Briefly, WP-Make can be used to create a new theme, child theme, plugin, or library project - complete with unit tests - in seconds!

Getting Started

If you need it, install Yeoman through npm:

$ npm install -g yo

To install generator-wp-make clone this repository, enter the directory, and link it to npm:

$ git clone && cd generator-wp-make
$ npm link

Finally, in the desired project directory, initiate the generator:

$ yo wp-make

Project Types

WP-Make ships with four default project types, each invoked with a subgenerator.

For each project type you get:

  • Composer to manage server-side dependencies
  • Bower to manage front-end dependencies
  • NPM to manage development dependencies (like Grunt)
  • Grunt to streamline development
  • phpunit, paratest, and WP_Mock for PHP unit testing
  • Mocha and Chai for JS unit testing
  • A fully-fleshed out, namespaced setup for WordPress plugin development


This subgenerator scaffolds out a standard WordPress plugin.

The project even includes some basic unit test examples to help get you started!


This subgenerator scaffolds out a standard WordPress theme.

The project even includes some basic unit test examples to help get you started!

Child Theme

This subgenerator scaffolds out a standard WordPress child theme.

The project even includes some basic unit test examples to help get you started!


This subgenerator scaffolds out a WordPress library. Libraries are a bit different from plugins in that they're meant to be included via Composer and embedded directly into a theme or a plugin.


All four sub-generators support the use of a .wpmakerc file for defining project defaults. This file should be placed in your system's home directory (~/ on *nix systems, C:\Users\{username} on Windows). The file follows a standard INI format and should look like the following:

; You can define a default profile to use if no other is specified
default = Basic

  ; Define the license to be used for the project (use SPDX formats)
  license        = MIT
  ; Define the standard root namespace for PHP files, otherwise `\TenUp` will be used
  root_namespace = EricMann
  ; Define the minimum versions of PHP/WordPress required, as well as the highest WP version tested
  php_min        = 7.0
  wp_tested      = 4.5
  wp_min         = 4.5
  ; Override standard author information, otherwise the current Git user will be used
  authorName     = Eric Mann
  authorEmail    =
  authorUrl      =
  ; Set a standard project homepage - this will be used as the prompt default
  projectHome    =
  ; If no license is required, pass `false` for both licensing fields to omit them from all output
  license        = false
  licenseuri     = false
  ; Specify the string `prompt` for fields that need to be prompted at runtime
  root_namespace = prompt
  php_min        = 5.3
  wp_tested      = 4.4.2
  wp_min         = 4.2.0
  authorName     = My Agency
  authorEmail    =
  authorUrl      =
  projectHome    =

If no profile is specified at runtime, the profile listed as default will be used. However you specify a non-default profile with the --profile flag at the command line:

$ yo wp-make:plugin --profile Enterprise

Some fields will always prompt - the profile will merely set the default:

  • projectHome

Some fields will prompt only when a default is NOT set in a profile:

  • root_namespace

Some fields will never prompt but will use either the profile or a hard-coded default:

  • license
  • licenseuri
  • php_min
  • wp_tested
  • wp_min
