
Generic Router

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import genericRouter from '';



A very basic generic router.


The package exports a Router class that can be imported like this:

import Router from 'generic-router'


Creates a new Router instance. It handles routes defined by a path string that can contain parameter variables. Variables must be prefixed with a colon like this: :variable. The callback function of a route is processed async. If a callback returns false, further matching routes will be processed.

A callback will be called like:

await callback(path, params, context)

Where path and context are forwarded from the arguments given to the handle() method. params is an object with key-value pairs of the parameters extracted from the path.

path(path, callback)

Adds a route with the given callback for the resource matching the path and deeper structures.

resource(path, callback)

Adds a route with the given callback for the resource matching exactly the path.

async handle(path, context)

Calls callbacks for routes matching the path as defined by the path() and resource() method. The callbacks will be called in the order they were added to the router. The return value of the last callback will be forwarded.