
genese-angular is an Angular library which replaces all your data-services and all your mappers. Less code, less tests, less bugs, less waste of time. Under the hood, genese-angular uses the core of the Genese framework : genese-mapper

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import geneseAngular from '';


genese-angular npm version

genese-angular is an Angular library which replaces all your data-services and all your mappers. Less code, less tests, less bugs, less waste of time. Under the hood, genese-angular uses the core of the Genese framework : genese-mapper

Simple example using genese-angular: genese-angular-demo

Table of Contents

Why use Genese ?

Genese is a powerful tool which will improve your productivity in building web apps.

genese-angular is the Genese module used for Angular applications, which will save your time and help you to code Angular applications much faster. With genese-angular, all your Angular data-services will disappear ! Genese replaces the http requests located in your services, and replaces too the mappers used to format data coming from backend into typed objects.

Returning typed objects from your data-services to your components is fundamental : if you do not, your component could receive incorrect data from the backend, and your application would crash automatically. That's why the mappers are so important. Unfortunately, writing mappers is long and fastidious. More, you need to write unit tests for your mappers, and add some mock values to be able to do these tests. Idem for your http requests, which should be tested with some tools like HttMock. That's why writing data-services is so long and fastidious.

So, what would you say if Genese could do ALL OF THAT for you ? Yes, that's right : Genese calls the http requests for you, and uses a Generic mapper which will send you back objects automatically typed ! In the next example, that means that you can simply destroy the file book-data.service.ts and put it in the garbage, with its associated test file book-data.service.spec.ts.

  • Example

Actually, you probably have Angular data-services like this :


export class Book = {
    id?: string;
    isAvailable?: boolean;
    name?: string;
    public editors?: [{
        name?: string,
        country.: string

    constructor() {}


import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http';
import { map } from 'rxjs/operators';

    providedIn: 'root'
export class BookDataService {

    constructor(private http: HttpClient) {}

    mapToBook(data: any): Book {
        let book = new Book();
        if (data && {
            book.isAvailable : data.isAvailable ? data.isAvailable : false;
   : ? : '';
            book.editors = [];
            if (Array.isArray(data.editors)) {
                for (let editor of data.editors) {
                    let newEditor = {};
           = ? : '';
           = ? : '';
        return book;

    getOne(id: string): Observable<Book> {
        this.http.get('http://localhost:3000/' + id)
                map((data: any) => {
                    return this.mapToBook(data);

    getAll(): Observable<Book[]> {
                map((data: any) => {
                    let books = [];
                    if (Array.isArray(data)) {
                        for (let element of data) {
                    return books;

    delete(id: string) {
        // call DELETE request and do some stuff

    update(id: string) {
        // call PUT request and do some stuff

    // other CRUD methods

With Genese, you can put this file in the garbage, simply by calling GeneseService inside your components, like this :

Supposing that in your environment.ts, genese.api = http://localhost:3000 .


export class BooksComponent {

    public booksGenese: Genese<Book>;

    constructor(private geneseService: GeneseService) {
        this.booksGenese = geneseService.getGeneseInstance(Book);

    this.booksGenese.getOne('/books', '1').subscribe((book: Book) => {
         // book is the data returned by 
         // the request http://localhost:3000/books/1
         // and formatted with type Book

With the getOne() Genese method, you are sure to receive your data correctly formatted with Book's type. No data-services to write, and no unit tests to do. Of course, you can use all the classic CRUD methods with Genese, but you can do much more : translate automatically the properties of your objects, paginate automatically lists coming from your getAll() requests, etc.

With Genese, you simply code better and faster.



At first you need to install the npm module:

npm install genese-angular --save

The minimum Angular version is Angular 8.

Top -> Installation

1. Config

Now, you need to configure your environment. Genese needs to know what is the api address of your backend. You can do that by adding GeneseEnvironmentService in the constructor of your AppComponent.

  • Example:


import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { GeneseEnvironmentService } from 'genese-angular';
import { environment } from '../environments/environment';

  selector: 'app-root',
  templateUrl: './app.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./app.component.scss']
export class AppComponent {

  constructor(geneseEnvironmentService: GeneseEnvironmentService) {


export const environment = {
  production: false,
    genese: {
        api: 'http://localhost:3000'

(replace the value of the property api by your api url)

Top -> Installation

2. Import Genese module

Import the genese module in the app.module.

  • Example
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { AppRoutingModule } from './app-routing.module';
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
import { GeneseModule } from 'genese-angular';

    declarations: [
    imports: [

    bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }

Top -> Installation

3. Inject geneseService in your component

Add a property with Genese type to your component, inject GeneseService in the constructor and instantiate your property with getGeneseInstance.

  • Example
import { Book } from './models/book.model.ts';
import { Genese } from 'genese-angular/lib/factories/genese.factory';
import { GeneseService } from 'genese-angular';

    selector: 'app-home',
    templateUrl: './home.component.html',
    styleUrls: ['./home.component.scss']
export class HomeComponent {

    public booksGenese: Genese<Book>;

        private geneseService: GeneseService,
    ) {
        this.booksGenese = geneseService.getGeneseInstance(Book);



Genese needs to be able to find all the properties of your models. That's why it is imperative to set default values to all the properties of your models, including inside nested objects. Respecting this constraint, Genese will be able to return all the objects correctly formatted.

  • Optional

getOne() and getAll() methods are "cleaner" than getOneCustom() and getAllCustom() because they hide the path of the endpoints in your components. If you want to use them, you must specify the desired route in the model :

export class Book = {
    id ?= '';
    name ?= '';
    public genese?: GeneseModelEnvironment = {
        path: '/books'
  • Note

A Genese good practice is to set all the properties of your models as optional. It will be easier to create new objects and will not crash if one day you forget to set a property.

Top -> Models


  • Example with primitives
export class Book = {
    id ?= '';
    codeNumbers: number[] = [0];
    collectionNumber?: 0;
    isAvailable?: true;
    name ?= '';

Top -> Models

Nested objects

  • Example with nested object
export class Book = {
    id ?= '';
    public editor?: {
        name?: string,
        place?: {
            city?: string,
            country?: string
    } = {
        name: '',
        place: {
            city: '',
            country: ''

Top -> Models

Indexable types

Suppose that you wait http responses like this

    en: 'The caves of steel',
    fr: 'Les cavernes d\'acier'

and suppose that you don't know in advance how many properties will have your response. In this example, you don't know in advance how many translations you will receive and in which languages. In this case, you need to use indexable types like this :

export class Book = {
    [key: string]: string

This is the simplest example of indexable types. Now, suppose that your http request returns something more complex like this :

    en: {
        country: 'England',
        name: 'The caves of steel'
    fr: {
        country: 'France',
        name: 'Les cavernes d\'acier'

In this case, you simply need to define your Genese model like this :

export class Book = {
    [key: string]: {
        country?: string,
        name?: string
    } = {
        gnIndexableType: {
            country: '',
            name: ''

The gnIndexableType key is a special key used by Genese to understand that you wait a response with indexableTypes. You'll need to use it every time you'll have to use indexable types.

Top -> Models


Supposing that you have some fields which are translated in many languages, you'll probably want to have a GET request which will return the object translated in one of these languages. For example, if your data are like this

    en: {
        country: 'England',
        name: 'The caves of steel'
    fr: {
        country: 'France',
        name: 'Les cavernes d\'acier'

you may want to receive a response with only the french language, like this :

    country: 'France',
    name: 'Les cavernes d\'acier'

Genese can do that for you. You will need to use the translate() method, which is described here. To be able to do that, you need to construct your model like this :

export class Book = {
    gnTranslate: {
        [key: string]: {
            country: string,
            name: string
    } = {
        gnIndexableType: {
            country: '',
            name: ''

The gnTranslate key is a specific keyword used by Genese to understand that some fields may be translated. You'll need to use it every time you'll have to use translations. The usage of gnIndexableType is described here. You'll find usage informations about translate() method here



Genese provides many useful methods, like "classic" CRUD operations, but other interesting methods which will help you to translate objects or to map them in the type that you want.

method Usage
create() Sends a POST request to add an object in database. Needs to respect
Genese standards.
createCustom() Sends a POST request to add an object in database. Possibility to use
custom params, without respecting the Genese standards.
delete() Sends a DELETE request to remove an object in database. Needs to
respect Genese standards.
deleteCustom() Sends a DELETE request to remove an object in database. Possibility to
use custom params, without respecting the Genese standards.
fetch() Sends a fetch request. Useful if you can't use the HttpClient for one or
another reason.
getAll() Sends a GET request to get a list of objects from database and to format
them with the asked type. Needs to respect Genese standards.
getAllWithPagination() Sends a GET request to get a list of objects from database and to format
them with the asked type. Needs to respect Genese standards.
getAllCustom() Sends a GET request to get a list of objects from database and to format
them with the asked type. Possibility to use custom params, without
respecting the Genese standards.
getArray() Sends a GET request to get an array of array of objects from database and to format
them with the asked type.
getOne() Sends a GET request to get an object from database and to format it
with the asked type. Needs to respect Genese standards.
getOneCustom() Sends a GET request to get an object from database and to format it
with the asked type. Possibility to use custom params, without respecting
the Genese standards.
request() Sends a http.request() method, which is permitting you to call api not
respecting REST conventions, like using a POST for getting objects.
translate() Special method used to translate automatically objects which are multi-
languages in one of these languages. Needs to respect Genese standards.
update() Sends a PUT request to update an object in database. Needs to respect
Genese standards.
updateCustom() Sends a PUT request to update an object in database. Possibility to use
custom params, without respecting the Genese standards.

Top -> Methods

create< T >(newObject: T, options?: RequestOptions): Observable<T | any>

create() sends a POST request to add a T object in database and returns an Observable with the object created formatted with the T type.

If the endpoint respects the Genese standards, it should return the new object. In this case, the create() method will return this object formatted with the T type. In the other case, the create() method will simply return the request response.

create() method needs that your app respects the Genese standards :

  • You must add a genese param to your model like this :
  "genese": {
    "path": "/books"
  • The endpoint must wait a POST method.

  • The api path must respect the REST api standards for a POST method (example : http://my-path/book)


Supposing that in your environment.ts, genese.api = http://localhost:3000`


export class Book {
    id ?= '';
    name ?= '';
    genese?: GeneseModelEnvironment = {
        path: '/books'


export class BooksComponent {

    public booksGenese: Genese<Book>;

    constructor(private geneseService: GeneseService) {
        this.booksGenese = geneseService.getGeneseInstance(Book);

    const book: Book = {
        id: '1',
        name: 'The caves of steel'

    this.booksGenese.create(book).subscribe((newBook: Book) => {
         // newBook is the object returned by 
         // the POST request http://localhost:3000/book
         // and formatted with type Book
  • Note

The create() method supposes that the backend returns data corresponding to the new book object, which will be converted to Book type by Genese. If the backend returns something else and that you just want to get the data without formatting them with T type, you can simply set the property mapData to false in the options param.


    this.booksGenese.create('/books', book, {mapData: false}).subscribe((newBook: Book) => {
         // newBook is the object returned by 
         // the POST request http://localhost:3000/books
         // and formatted with type Book

Top -> Methods

createCustom< T >(path: string, body?: object, options?: RequestOptions): Observable<T | any>

Same as create(), but Contrary to create() method, you can use a custom api path and you don't need to parameter your model with a genese property. Moreover, the parameter "body" can be any object : you don't need to use a body with T type.

The backend must wait a POST http request.


Supposing that in your environment.ts, genese.api = http://localhost:3000`


export class Book {
    id ?= '';
    name ?= '';


export class BooksComponent {

    public booksGenese: Genese<Book>;

    constructor(private geneseService: GeneseService) {
        this.booksGenese = geneseService.getGeneseInstance(Book);

    const book: any = {
        id: '1',
        name: 'The caves of steel',
        foo: 'bar'

    this.booksGenese.createCustom('/books', book).subscribe((newBook: Book) => {
         // newBook is the object returned by 
         // the POST request http://localhost:3000/books
         // and formatted with type Book
  • Note

The createCustom() method supposes that the backend returns data corresponding to the new book object, which will be converted to Book type by Genese. If the backend returns something else and that you just want to get the data without formatting them with T type, you can simply set the property mapData to false in the options param.


    this.booksGenese.create('/custom-books-path', book, {mapData: false}).subscribe((newBook: Book) => {
         // newBook is the object returned by 
         // the POST request http://localhost:3000/custom-books-path
         // and formatted with type Book

Top -> Methods

delete< T >(id: string): Observable< ResponseStatus>

This method is used to remove an object in database with a DELETE http request and returns a ResponseStatus, which is equal to FAILED or SUCCESS.

delete() method needs that your app respects the Genese standards :

  • You must add a genese param to your model like this :
  "genese": {
    "path": "/books"
  • The endpoint must wait a DELETE method.

  • The api path must respect the REST api standards for a create() method, like this : http://my-path/book/id


Supposing that in your environment.ts, genese.api = http://localhost:3000


export class Book {
    id ?= '';
    name ?= '';
    genese?: GeneseModelEnvironment = {
        path: '/books'


export class BooksComponent {

    public booksGenese: Genese<Book>;

    constructor(private geneseService: GeneseService) {
        this.booksGenese = geneseService.getGeneseInstance(Book);

    this.booksGenese.delete('1').subscribe((response: ResponseStatus) => {
         // send the DELETE request http://localhost:3000/books/1
         // and returns 'SUCCESS' if the property 'ok' of the DELETE http response is equal to true, and 'FAILED' if not.

Top -> Methods

deleteCustom< T >(path: string, options?: RequestOptions): Observable< ResponseStatus>

Same as delete(), but contrary to create() method, you can use a custom api path and you don't need to parameter your model with a genese property.

The backend must wait a DELETE http request.


Supposing that in your environment.ts, genese.api = http://localhost:3000


export class Book {
    id ?= '';
    name ?= '';


export class BooksComponent {

    public booksGenese: Genese<Book>;

    constructor(private geneseService: GeneseService) {
        this.booksGenese = geneseService.getGeneseInstance(Book);

    this.booksGenese.deleteCustom('/custom-books-path', '1').subscribe((response: ResponseStatus) => {
         // send the DELETE request http://localhost:3000/custom-books-path/1
         // and returns 'FAILED' if the property 'ok' of the DELETE http response is equal to true, and 'SUCCESS' if not.

Top -> Methods

fetch< T >(path: string, method: RequestMethod, requestInit?: RequestInit): Promise< T>

If for one or another reason you can't use the Angular HttpClient but you're able to use fetch requests, you should use Genese fetch()method, which will send a fetch request and return a formatted object with the asked type.


Supposing that in your environment.ts, genese.api = http://localhost:3000


export class BooksComponent {

    public booksGenese: Genese<Book>;

    constructor(private geneseService: GeneseService) {
        this.booksGenese = geneseService.getGeneseInstance(Book);

    this.booksGenese.fetch('/custom-books-path/1', 'get').subscribe((book: Book) => {
         // sends the fetch GET request http://localhost:3000/custom-books-path/1
         // and returns data object formatted with the type Book.

Top -> Methods

getAll< T >(params?: GetAllParams): Observable< T[]>

This method is used to receive a list of objects with T type, without pagination. This method is used to get a list of T objects from http GET request and to format them with T type, without pagination.

getAll() method needs that your app respects the Genese standards :

  • You must add a genese param to your model like this :
  "genese": {
    "path": "/books"
  • The http request must be a GET method

  • The api path must respect the REST api standards for a getAll() method, like this : http://my-path/books

Supposing that your http GET request returns a simple list of objects, without pagination, the response will probably be like this:

        id: '1',
        name: 'The caves of steel'
        id: '2',
        name: 'The robots of dawn'

In this case, the getAll() method returns an observable of array of Book, formatted with Book type. In this example, this method will return an array with two objects [Book, Book].


Supposing that in your environment.ts, genese.api = http://localhost:3000


export class Book {
    id ?= '';
    name ?= '';
    genese?: GeneseModelEnvironment = {
        path: '/books'


export class BooksComponent {

    public booksGenese: Genese<Book>;

    constructor(private geneseService: GeneseService) {
        this.booksGenese = geneseService.getGeneseInstance(Book);

    this.booksGenese.getAll().subscribe((books: Book[]) => {
         // books is the array of data returned by 
         // the GET request http://localhost:3000/books
         // and formatted with type Book
  • Filters

You can add some filters to your http request very simply, just like this :

    this.booksGenese.getAll({author: 'Isaac Asimov'}).subscribe((books: Book[]) => {
         // books is the array of data returned by 
         // the GET request http://localhost:3000/books?author=Isaac%20Asimov
         // and formatted with type Book

Top -> Methods

getAllCustom< T >(path: string, params?: GetAllParams): Observable<T[]>

As getAll() method, getAllCustom() is used to get a list of objects from http GET request and to format them with T type.

But contrary to getAll() method, you can use a custom api path and you don't need to parameter your model with a genese property.

The backend must wait a GET http request.


Supposing that in your environment.ts, genese.api = http://localhost:3000


export class Book {
    id ?= '';
    name ?= '';


export class BooksComponent {

    public booksGenese: Genese<Book>;

    constructor(private geneseService: GeneseService) {
        this.booksGenese = geneseService.getGeneseInstance(Book);

    this.booksGenese.getAllCustom('/books').subscribe((books: Book[]) => {
         // books is the array of data returned by 
         // the GET request http://localhost:3000/books
         // and formatted with type Book
  • Filters

You can add some filters to your http request very simply, just like this :

    this.booksGenese.getAllCustom('/custom-books-path', {author: 'Isaac Asimov'}).subscribe((books: Book[]) => {
         // books is the array of data returned by 
         // the GET request http://localhost:3000/custom-books-path?author=Isaac%20Asimov
         // and formatted with type Book

Top -> Methods

getAllWithPagination< T >(path: string, params: GetAllWithPaginationParams): Observable<{results: T[], totalResults: number}>

Suppose that you want to display a list of books which are in your library, and that you want to paginate it with a page size of 5 elements. Suppose too that you have 231 books in your library, and that you want to display the third page of your list (so pageIndex = 2). Usually, you would send a GET request like this :


and the http response would probably be like this :

    data: [
            id: '10',
            name: 'The caves of steel'
            id: '11',
            name: 'The robots of dawn'
            id: '12',
            name: 'Robots and Empire'
            id: '13',
            name: 'The Currents of Space'
            id: '14',
            name: 'The Stars'
    totalData: 231

The Genese method getAllWithPagination() is able to return very simply this kind of paginated list and in same time to format each element with type "Book". You will just need to call this method like this :


export class BooksComponent {

    public booksGenese: Genese<Book>;

    constructor(private geneseService: GeneseService) {
        this.booksGenese = geneseService.getGeneseInstance(Book);

    this.booksGenese.getAllWithPagination('/books', {pageIndex: 2, pageSize: 5}).subscribe((response: { totalResults: number, results: Book[]) => {
         // The GET request called is http://localhost:3000/books?pIndex=2&pSize=4
         // In this case, totalResults = 231 and results is an array of 5 books, typed with the Book model.

For that, you need at first to configure your Genese environment by specifying the pagination parameters.


export const environment = {
    genese: {
        api: 'http://localhost:3000',   // The url of your API
        pagination: {
            pageIndex: 'pIndex',        // pIndex is the param's name used by the backend designating the index of the current page
            pageSize: 'pSize',          // pSize is the param's name used by the backend designating the  number of elements of each page
            results: 'data',            // data is the name of the property returned by the backend with the array of objects to map
            totalResults: 'totalData'   // totalData is the number of all the objects of the list

Top -> Methods

getArray< ArrayResponse >(): Observable< T[]>

getArray() method is used with GET http requests which are returning array of arrays of objects, like [[Book]].

This method needs that your app respects the Genese standards.

  • You must add a genese param to your model to specify the endpoint's path.

  • Your model must implement the ArrayResponse interface, which implies to add a specific genese param "gnArrayResponse" to indicate to Genese that you're waiting an array of arrays :

  • The endpoint must wait a GET method.

  • The api path must respect the REST api standards for a GET method (example : http://my-path/array-of-arrays-of-books)


Supposing that in your environment.ts, genese.api = http://localhost:3000 .


export class ArrayOfArraysOfBooks implements ArrayResponse {
    gnArrayResponse?: Book[][] = [[new Book()]];
    public genese?: GeneseModelEnvironment = {
        path: '/array-response/array-of-arrays-of-books'


export class ArrayOfArrayOfBooksComponent {

    public arrayOfArraysOfBooksGenese: Genese<ArrayOfArraysOfBooks>;

    constructor(private geneseService: GeneseService) {
        this.arrayOfArraysOfBooksGenese = geneseService.getGeneseInstance(ArrayOfArraysOfBooks);

    this.arrayOfArraysOfBooksGenese.getArray().subscribe((arrayOfArraysOfBooks: Book[][]) => {
         // arrayOfArraysOfBooks is the value of the property gnArrayResponse of the data 
         // returned by the request http://localhost:3000/books/1
         // and formatted with type Book[][]


The getArray() method doesn't return an ArrayOfArraysOfBooks object, but the content of the gnArrayResponse property, ie a Book[][] object.

Top -> Methods

getOne< T >(id: string): Observable< T>

This method is used to get a T object in database with a GET http request. The returned object is mapped with the T type, which is given by the type of your GeneseService.

This method needs that your app respects the Genese standards :

  • You must add a genese param to your model like this :
        id: '1',
        name: 'The caves of steel'
        id: '2',
        name: 'The robots of dawn'
  • The endpoint must wait a GET method.

  • The api path must respect the REST api standards for a GET method (example : http://my-path/book/id)


Supposing that in your environment.ts, genese.api = http://localhost:3000 .


export class Book {
    id ?= '';
    name ?= '';
    genese?: GeneseModelEnvironment = {
        path: '/books'


export class BooksComponent {

    public booksGenese: Genese<Book>;

    constructor(private geneseService: GeneseService) {
        this.booksGenese = geneseService.getGeneseInstance(Book);

    this.booksGenese.getOne('1').subscribe((book: Book) => {
         // book is the data returned by 
         // the request http://localhost:3000/books/1
         // and formatted with type Book

Top -> Methods

getOneCustom(path: string, params?: GetOneParams): Observable

getOneCustom() method is used to get a T object in database with a GET http request. The returned object is mapped with the T type, which is given by the type of your GeneseService.

Contrary to getOne() method, you can use a custom api path and you don't need to parameter your model with a genese property. Moreover, you can add some params, like query params.

The backend must wait a GET http request.


Supposing that in your environment.ts, genese.api = http://localhost:3000 .


export class Book {
    id ?= '';
    name ?= '';


export class BooksComponent {

    public booksGenese: Genese<Book>;

    constructor(private geneseService: GeneseService) {
        this.booksGenese = geneseService.getGeneseInstance(Book);

    this.booksGenese.getOne('/custom-books-path','1').subscribe((book: Book) => {
         // book is the data returned by 
         // the request http://localhost:3000/custom-books-path/1
         // and formatted with type Book

Top -> Methods

request< T >(path: string, method: RequestMethod, options?: RequestOptions): Observable<T | any>

It can happens, for one or another reason, that your endpoints are not respecting REST standards. If you can't modify the backend's code, it can be problematic, especially when the http actions of the endpoints are not the real actions that they should do. As example, it can happens that your GET or DELETE methods are done with POST requests. It is a bad practice, but sometimes you don't have any choice. In this case, usual Genese CRUD methods are difficult to use. As example, the getOne() Genese method will send a GET request; if the backend is waiting a POST request, the getOne() method will crash.

To solve this problem, you can use the Genese method request(), which is using the Angular HttpClient method request, which is able to take in parameter the action verb of the http request. In one word, you'll can send a GET request using the POST action verb.


Supposing that in your environment.ts, genese.api = http://localhost:3000


export class Book {
    id ?= '';
    name ?= '';


export class BooksComponent {

    public booksGenese: Genese<Book>;

    constructor(private geneseService: GeneseService) {
        this.booksGenese = geneseService.getGeneseInstance(Book);

    this.booksGenese.request('/books/1', 'post').subscribe((book: Book) => {
        // this method sends the POST request http://localhost:3000/books/1
        // and returns the data returned by the backend
        // By default, these data will be formatted in type Book
        // If you want to receive the data without any formatting, just set the property mapData of the options param to false.

Top -> Methods

translate(data: any, language: string): any

This methods translates data containing properties with translated in many languages into data containing these properties translated in one of these languages. These data must respect Genese standard formats which are more detailed here. The translate() method is generally used in combination with other Genese CRUD methods, like this :


Supposing that in your environment.ts, genese.api = http://localhost:3000


export class BooksComponent {

    public booksGenese: Genese<Book>;

    constructor(private geneseService: GeneseService) {
        this.booksGenese = geneseService.getGeneseInstance(Book);

    this.booksGenese.getOne('/books', '1').subscribe((book: Book) => {
        const translatedBook = this.booksGenese.translate(book, 'fr');
        return translatedBook;
         // translatedBook is the data returned by 
         // the GET request http://localhost:3000/books/1
         // and with translatable fields translated in french

For example, if the Book model is like this :


export class Book = {
    gnTranslate: {
        [key: string]: {
            country: string,
            name: string
    } = {
        gnIndexableType: {
            country: '',
            name: ''

and if the data returned by the GET request are

    en: {
        country: 'England',
        name: 'The caves of steel'
    fr: {
        country: 'France',
        name: 'Les cavernes d\'acier'

the result of the previous request will be :

    country: 'France',
    name: 'Les cavernes d\'acier'

gnTranslated and gnIndexableType are specific Genese keywords, described more in detail here and here.

Top -> Methods

update< T >(id: string, updatedObject: T, options?: RequestOptions): Observable<T | any>

This method sends a PUT request updating a T object in database with a PUT http request and returns the updated object formatted with T type.

update() method needs that your app respects the Genese standards :

  • You must add a genese param to your model like this :
  "genese": {
    "path": "/books"
  • The endpoint must wait a PUT method.

  • The api path must respect the REST api standards for a PUT method (example : http://my-path/books/id)


Supposing that in your environment.ts, genese.api = http://localhost:3000


export class Book {
    id ?= '';
    name ?= '';
    genese?: GeneseModelEnvironment = {
        path: '/books'


export class BooksComponent {

    public booksGenese: Genese<Book>;

    constructor(private geneseService: GeneseService) {
        this.booksGenese = geneseService.getGeneseInstance(Book);

    const updatedBook: Book = {
        id: '1',
        name: 'The caves of steel'
        author: 'Isaac Asimov'

    this.booksGenese.update('1', updatedBook).subscribe((book: Book) => {
         // book is the data returned by 
         // the PUT request http://localhost:3000/books/1
         // and formatted with type Book
  • Note

The update() method supposes that the backend returns data corresponding to the new book object, which will be converted to Book type by Genese. If the backend returns something else and that you just want to get the data without formatting them with T type, you can simply set the property mapData to false in the options param.

Top -> Methods

updateCustom< T >(path: string, body?: object, options?: RequestOptions): Observable<T | any>

updateCustom() method is used to update a T object in database with a PUT http request and returns a response with ResponseStatus type.

Contrary to update() method, you can use a custom api path and you don't need to parameter your model with a genese property.

However, the backend must wait a PUT http request.


Supposing that in your environment.ts, genese.api = http://localhost:3000


export class Book {
    id ?= '';
    name ?= '';


export class BooksComponent {

    public booksGenese: Genese<Book>;

    constructor(private geneseService: GeneseService) {
        this.booksGenese = geneseService.getGeneseInstance(Book);

    const updatedBook: Book = {
        id: '1',
        name: 'The caves of steel'
        author: 'Isaac Asimov'

    this.booksGenese.update('/custom-books-path/1', updatedBook).subscribe((book: Book) => {
         // book is the data returned by 
         // the PUT request http://localhost:3000/custom-books-path/1
         // and formatted with type Book
  • Note

The updateCustom() method supposes that the backend returns data corresponding to the new book object, which will be converted to Book type by Genese. If the backend returns something else and that you just want to get the data without formatting them with T type, you can simply set the property mapData to false in the options param.