
pure Javascript HTML generation and templating

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import genhtmlJs from '';




  • Model

    • nodes
      • name: /^[a-zA-z]+$/
      • attributes
        • unique names
      • children: any number of nodes, comments, texts
    • text
      • value: /^([^&<>"']|&(lt|gt|amp|quot|apos);)*$/
    • attributes
      • name: /^[a-zA-z]+$/
      • value: /^"([^&<>"']|&(lt|gt|amp|quot|apos);)*"$/ escaping single-quote delimiting? question: what about empty or missing values?
    • comments
    • root
      • doctype: ?? any number of attribute names or strings?
      • children: any number of nodes, comments, texts
  • Serialization

    • significant whitespace
    • self-closing tags vs. open/close pairs

A laundry list of aspects (some may not be implemented)

  • model

    • elements
    • attributes
    • comments
    • root node
    • text nodes
    • schema: child nodes, attributes allowed
    • directives
      • <!doctype html>
    • processing instructions
    • cdata
    • document type declaration
  • serialization

    • escaping: structure of document must not be changeable through serialization loopholes
      • < -> &lt;
      • amp, gt, apos (same as #x27 -- hex ??), quot
      • what is "replacement text" and what does it have to do with double escaping?
    • empty elements -- <input /> versus open/close pairs: <a></a>
    • ?? sanitizing ??
  • syntax restrictions

    • elements
      • names: spec for both element & attribute names
      • wikipedia: tag names can't include any of -.0123456789!"#$%&'()*+,/;<=>?@[\]^{|}~`, or spaces
    • attributes
      • names
      • unique names within an element
    • comments
      • no escaping (according to wikipedia)
      • can't have -- inside a comment
  • (in)significant whitespace

    • pre vs p