
A singleton exposing common geolocation methods related to distances.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import geolocationDistances from '';





getDistance(location1, location2)Number

Find distance between two geolocations.

getNearLocationsBorder(center, distance)Object

Find lat/lng min/max within given distance.

getNearLocations(center, results, distance)Array.<Object>

Filter lat/lng by getDistance, so that only the cirle area matches stay.


Kind: global variable
Summary: A singleton exposing common geolocation methods related to distances.
Author: Vidul Nikolaev Petrov

getDistance(location1, location2) ⇒ Number

Find distance between two geolocations.

Kind: global function
Returns: Number - kilometers

Param Type Description
location1 Object the 1st geolocation
location2 Object the 2nd geolocation

getNearLocationsBorder(center, distance) ⇒ Object

Find lat/lng min/max within given distance.

Kind: global function
Returns: Object - min/max latitude and min/max longitude

Param Type Description
center Object the center object with lat/lng
distance Number distance in kilometers

getNearLocations(center, results, distance) ⇒ Array.<Object>

Filter lat/lng by getDistance, so that only the cirle area matches stay.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
center Object the center object with lat/lng
results Array.<data> all lat/lng within the square
distance Number distance in kilometers