
Get webpack entry object for multiple page application

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import getEntries from '';



npm i -D get-entries
┌── src/
│   ├── folder/
│   │   └── c.js
│   ├── a.js
│   └── b.js
├── dist/
└── webpack.config.json
const getEntries = require('get-entries');

const entries = getEntries('./src/**/*.js', './src/', {
  commonModules: ['jquery']

//If 'commonModules' was defined,all the files will include the 'commonModules',you can use CommonsChunkPlugin with webpack.
//That will return
// [
//     'a':[
//         'jquery,
//         './src/a.js'
//     ],
//     'b':[
//         'jquery,
//         './src/b.js'
//     ],
//     'folder/c':[
//         'jquery,
//         './src/folder/c.js'
//     ]
// ]

module.exports = {
  entries: entries,
  output: {
    name: '[name].js',
    path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'dist')

getEntries(pattern, baseDir:string, [options])

  • pattern {string} glob path string
  • baseDir {string} path you want to remove in entries' key
  • options
    • glob? {Object}
    • commonModules? {Array | string}
    • useDir? {boolean}