
Utility package to get deeply nested values from objects. Support arrays.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import getNestedValue from '';



This package safely returns the value at a requested path inside of an object. Best used on unpredictable deeply nested structures. Supports arrays as well.

const complex = { a: { b: [{ c: { d: 'hello!' } }] } };
console.log(getNestedValue('a.b.0.c.d', complex));
// => 'hello!'


npm install get-nested-value --save
# or
yarn add get-nested-value


import getNestedValue from 'get-nested-value';

getNestedValue('', object);
// or as an array of paths
getNestedValue(['some', 'path', 'to', 'key'], object);
// dealing with arrays in your object?
getNestedValue(['some', 'path', 'atIndex', 0, 'key'], object);
// dealing with arrays of arrays?
getNestedValue([0, 1, 2, 'key'], arrayOfArrays);
// see test.js for more examples if needed



    @path: {Array.<string|number>|String|Number},
    @object: {Object|Array}
) => Any, throws Error if @path is invalid


  • The @path must be a number or string, or an array of numbers/strings. (See examples above or test.js)
  • The @object should be object or array. The specified paths need not exist obviously.
  • If the @path exists in @object, then that value is returned. Whatever it might be.
  • If @path does not exist, undefined is returned.
  • An Error is thrown if @path is not valid.
    • You should also make sure the @object param is indeed an Object or Array. But this will not throw an Error.