
This help me get a little html on full page source code. I can use sth likes jsDom to get it but very slow because they must make virtual dom. That is not necessary because we just need the Text

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import getOuterHtmlByString from '';



This help me get a little html on full page source code. I can use sth likes jsDom to get it but very slow because they must make virtual dom. That is not necessary because we just need the Text

const getOuterHtmlByString = require('get-outer-html-by-string');
const chai = require('chai');

const html = '<div>' +
  ' this is a text <span>trap tag<a>a trap in span</a>' +
  '<meta name="ob:cccc" value="1" />' +
  '<meta name="ob:cccc" value="2" />' +
  '<meta name="ob:cccc" value="3" />' +
  '<meta name="ob:cccc" value="4" />' +
  '<meta name="ob:cccc" value="5" />' +
  '<span>another span 1</span></span>' +
  '</div>' +
  '<div>' +
  'another div test' +
  '<span>another span 2</span>' +
  '<span>another span 3</span>' +
  '<div>trap div</div>' +
  '<span>another span 4</span>' +
  '<span>another span 5</span>' +
describe('test', function() {
  it('meta', function(done) {
    const {lastIndex, outerHtml} = getOuterHtmlByString('<meta', html);
    chai.expect(outerHtml).equal('<meta name="ob:cccc" value="1" />', 'Failed meta tag test');
  it('meta2', function(done) {
    let lastIndex = 0;
    for (let i = 1; i < 5; i++) {
      const match = getOuterHtmlByString('<meta', html, lastIndex);
      chai.expect(match.outerHtml).equal(`<meta name="ob:cccc" value="${i}" />`);
      lastIndex = match.lastIndex;
  it('span', function(done) {
    const {lastIndex, outerHtml} = getOuterHtmlByString('<span>a', html);
    chai.expect(outerHtml).equal('<span>another span 1</span>', 'Failed span tag test');

  it('span-2', function(done) {
    let lastIndex = 0;
    for (let i = 1; i < 5; i++) {
      const match = getOuterHtmlByString('<span>a', html, lastIndex);
      chai.expect(match.outerHtml).equal(`<span>another span ${i}</span>`);
      lastIndex = match.lastIndex;

v3 update

// to get all meta tag that have [name="ob:c*] try this
let result = {
  lastIndex: 0
for (let i = 1; i <= 5; i ++) {
  result = getOuterHtmlByStringUnsafe({
    searchString: 'name="ob',
    lastIndex: result.lastIndex
  if (i === 3) {
    // span trap
    chai.expect(result.outerHtml).equal(`<span name="ob:cccc" value="3"> span trap </span>`, `Failed span trap in meta tag test`);
  } else {
    chai.expect(result.outerHtml).equal(`<meta name="ob:cccc" value="${i}" />`, `Failed meta${i} tag test`);


getOuterHtmlByString(searchString, html, lastIndex);
+ searchString: where the string begin
+ html: full page html need to parse
+ lastIndex: search from, often use in loop to get all 
             or get from after pharse you know it will be in html
=> return {
    lastIndex: where you should start from to find next
    outerHTML: outerHTML start from your searchString and end at its closing-tag
In the case html have multiple match searchString, you should add more text after tag.
Look in my example.
If searchString === '<span>'
    + you will get '<span>trap tag<a>a trap in span</a><span>another span</span></span>'
If searchString === '<span>a' // a is first char in word 'another'
    + you get '<span>another span</span>'
getOuterHtmlByStringUnsafe({searchString, html, lastIndex = 0, forceRegex = false});
+ searchString: where the string begin
+ html: full page html need to parse
+ lastIndex: search from, often use in loop to get all 
             or get from after pharse you know it will be in html
+ forceRegex (default=false): try to parse searchString as RegExp, for more details, lookup in source on GitHub
=> return {
    tagName: matched tagName or null if failed
    lastIndex: where you should start from to find next
    outerHTML: outerHTML start from your searchString and end at its closing-tag or null if failed
for more details. Lookup on test folder

Have fun
