
A simple JS package to access a value in a object

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import getinto from '';



getinto is a simple package to deep get something in an object, array and function.
If not exist, return undefined. Never a error.
Say bye for the error "Cannot read property of undefined".

  • Simple sintax
  • Javascript and TypeScript compatibility
  • Can be used with object chain, function chain and array chain mixed

Quick Example

const into = require('getinto')
const pets: [
    name: 'Rex',
    owner: {
      name: 'Jon',
      address: {
        country: 'Canada',
        province: 'British Columbia'

const ownerProvince = into('pets', 0)
    .get('province') //the get method return an array, function, object, string, number... or undefined. Never a error.
console.log(ownerProvince) //log: 'British Columbia'

//with Vanilla JS
const errorPetName = //errror: Cannot read property 'name' of undefined
//with getinto package
const petName = into(animals)
console.log(petName) //log: undefined. Never a error.


$ npm install getinto
$ yarn add getinto


I suggest the following import:

const into = require('getinto')

You can write a chan of 'into'. The first into comes from import and receive an object (or a function, see in 'More examples' or in 'API' for details).
The nexts intos come from previous into. The latter statement must be 'get'.
THe get method always return an array, function, string, object... or undefined. Never a error (if you use the correct syntax).

const value = into(object)
console.log(value) //log: valueOfreturnedProperty

Typescript Usage

I suggest the following import:

import into from 'getinto'

getinto has the same usage for Typescript but, you can to specify the return type on get method.


More Examples

const into = require('getinto')
const business = {
 stories: [
    companyName: 'megaPet, INC',
    products: ['dogFood', 'dogBed'],
    stack: ['react', 'node.js', 'mongoDB'],
    doSomething: function (name) {console.log(name + ' says Hello World')}
    companyName: function (baseName) { return baseName + ', INC' },
    products: function (a, b) { return [a + 'Product', b + 'Product']},
    doSomething: function () {console.log('Hello World')}

business.notExist.techs[0] //error: Cannot read property 'techs' of undefined
  .get('techs', 0) //undefined
  .into('stories', 0)
  .get('companyName') // 'megaPet, INC' - if something don't exist return undefined

  .into('stories', 0)
  .get('products') // ['dogFood', 'dogBed'] - if something don't exist return undefined
  .into('stories', 0)
  .get('stack', 1) // 'node.js' - if something don't exist return undefined
const functionExample = into(business)
  .into('stories', 0)
  functionExample('Jonathan') //log: 'Jonathan says Hello World' - if something don't exist return undefined
  .into('stories', 1)
  .get('companyName', 'superMarket') // 'superMarket, INC' - executed like companyName('superMarket')

const productA = 'fishmonger'  
  .into('stories', 1)
  .get('products', [productA, 'bakery']) // ['fishmongerProduct', 'bakeryProduct'] - executed like products(productA, 'bakery')
  .into('stories', 1)
  .get('doSomething', []) //log: 'Hello World - executed like doSomething()


• First into

into(entry: Function | Object | Array<any>, params?: any | any[], thisArg?: object): GetintoObject
  • if entry is an object or any dictionary, you can select a property to continue the chain passing its name as string in params;
  • if entry is an array, you can select an item to continue the chain passsaing its position as number or string in params;
  • if entry is a function, you can select the function return to continue the chain passaing one param or many params in an array for the function be execute. Use [] (empty array) to execute with no one param.

• Nexts into

into(key: string | number, params?: any | any[]): GetintoObject
  • key can be a property name as string or can be a index as string or number;
  • if the key return an object or any dictionary, you can select a property to continue the chain passing its name as string in params;
  • if the key return an array, you can select an item to continue the chain passsaing its position as number or string in params;
  • if the key return a function, you can select the function return to continue the chain passaing param or array of params for the function be execute. Use [] (empty array) to execute with no one param.

• get

get<T>(key: string | number, params?: any | any[], callback?: (gotten: T) => any): T
  • key can be a property name as string or can be a index as string or number
  • if the key return an object or any dictionary, you can get a property passing its name as string in params;
  • if the key return an array, you can get an item passsaing its position as number or string in params.
  • if you are using typescript, can to specify the type of get return
  • if the key return a function, you can get the function return to continue the chain passaing param or array of params for the function be execute. Use [] (empty array) to execute with no one param.


We use Jest to test this package.

  • Many mixed tests: ok
  • Specific Arrays tests: ok
  • Specific Objects tests: doing
  • Specific funcctions tests: doing


Index as number
Improved array and function support
Added tests
Other fixes
Import fixs
Inicial idea


  • Function tests
  • Obkject tests
  • More examples
  • Search for bugs

array example


object example


function example
