
Read and write images from Firebase storage in the Ghost blogging platform

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import ghostFirebaseStorageAdapter from '';


Ghost Firebase Storage Adapter


This a Firebase Storage adapter for Ghost CMS. Images uploaded via Ghost CMS will be save to Firebase Storage.




At the root of you ghost blog, install this adapter using either npm or yarn.


npm i ghost-firebase-storage-adapter


yarn add ghost-firebase-storage-adapter

Create Firebase Storage Module

After installation, a scripts runs that automatically creates a storage adapter in the content/adapters/storage directory, named firebase.js with the following content:

'use strict'

module.exports = require('ghost-firebase-storage-adapter');

NB: if the firebase.js was not created, create it in the content/adapters/storage directory and add the above content.


Before we can proceed, make sure you have the bucket-name, without any prefix (gs://) or suffix ( and your Firebase Service Account Private Key, a json file.

  • Add the json file containing the private key to the root of you ghost directory or somewhere else more secure.
  • Add a storage block to your config.${GHOST_ENVIRONMENT}.json as shown below:
"storage": {
    "active": "firebase",
    "firebase": {
        // configurations for the storage adapter
        "serviceAccount": "./path/to/service/account.json",
        "bucketName": "bucket-name",
        "basePath": "base path for saving uploads",
        "uploadOptions": {
            "gzip": true,
            "metadata": {
                "cacheControl": "public, max-age=31536000"

Config notes

  • serviceAccount (required) - Path to your firebase service account credential file, you can provide a relative or absolute path to the credential file.

  • bucketName (required) - The bucket to save ghost uploads to

  • basePath - the base directory to upload file to inside your Firebase storage bucket.

  • uploadOptions - Configuration options for bucket file upload as indicated here. All fields can be appended except the destination:


        "metadata": {
            "cacheControl": "public, max-age=30000",
        "public": "true",
        "gzip": true
  • domain - Custom domain name to append to the file destination. Use this option if you are using a Firebase Cloud Functions to server images.

Verify new Storage Adapter

To verify everything is configured correctly, stop your ghost server and run it again.

ghost stop
ghost run

Fix any errors that come up and try again. After that, try and uploading a file and it should be accessible on your Firebase storage bucket.


Contributions of any kind - bug reports, pull request, feature suggestions are welcome.