
Library for convenient work of Google Maps JavaScript API with React

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import googleMapsJsApiReact from '';



Note: This library requires React v16.8 or later.

Library for convenient work of Google Maps JavaScript API with React


import {
} from 'google-maps-js-api-react';

const GoogleMap = createGoogleMapComponent([], []);

const Marker = createMarkerComponent(['onClick'], ['position']);

const Map = () => {
  const status = useGoogleMapLoader({ apiKey: API_KEY });

  if (status === LoaderStatus.LOADED)
    return (
        defaultOptions={{ center: { lat: 0, lng: 0 }, zoom: 3 }}
        <Marker position={{ lat: -31.56391, lng: 147.154312 }} />
        <OverlayView lat={-37.75} lng={145.116667}>

  return null;

Why is createGoogleMapComponent overwise just GoogleMap?

This is because Google maps has a lot of events and properties that can depend on each other (e.g. zoom and onZoomChanged) and it can be costly (or impossible) to make them controllable/uncontrollable, much easier to define handlers and properties that you need, and process only those.

Note: if you use createGoogleMapComponent([], ['zoom']), it not means that map zoom can be only the value which will be provided by zoom prop (like value prop in input component), it means that if zoom prop was changed, map zoom will be changed to



const useGoogleMapLoader: (
  options?: LoaderOptions,
  callbacks: Partial<GoogleMapLoaderCallbacks> = {}
) => LoaderStatus;

Hook for google maps script loading

This library use google-maps-js-api-loader for Google Maps JavaScript API loading, you can import Loader if you need to start loading outside of react.

Name Type Description Default
options? LoaderOptions loader options, if you already started script loading, you can skip this parameter
callbacks? GoogleMapLoaderCallbacks callbacks for successful/unsuccessful script loading {}


const GoogleMapLoader: FC<
    options: LoaderOptions;
  } & Partial<GoogleMapLoaderCallbacks>

Context provider which use useGoogleMapLoader under the hood


const useGoogleMapStatus: () => LoaderStatus;

returns context of GoogleMapLoader


const createGoogleMapComponent: (
  handlers: (
    | 'onClick'
    | 'onDoubleClick'
    | 'onDrag'
    | 'onDragEnd'
    | 'onDragStart'
    | 'onContextMenu'
    | 'onMouseMove'
    | 'onMouseOut'
    | 'onMouseOver'
    | 'onRightClick'
    | 'onBoundsChanged'
    | 'onCenterChanged'
    | 'onHeadingChanged'
    | 'onIdle'
    | 'onMapTypeIdChanged'
    | 'onProjectionChanged'
    | 'onResize'
    | 'onTilesLoaded'
    | 'onTiltChanged'
    | 'onZoomChanged'
  state: (
    | 'center'
    | 'heading'
    | 'mapTypeId'
    | 'tilt'
    | 'zoom'
    | 'clickableIcons'
    | 'streetView'
) => VFC<{
  className?: string;
  style?: CSSProperties;
  defaultOptions?: Readonly<google.maps.MapOptions>;
  children?: ReactNode | ((map: google.maps.Map) => ReactNode);

  center: google.maps.LatLng | google.maps.LatLngLiteral;
  heading: number;
  mapTypeId: string;
  tilt: number;
  zoom: number;
  clickableIcons: boolean;
  streetView: google.maps.StreetViewPanorama;

  onBoundsChanged(bounds: google.maps.LatLngBounds, map: google.maps.Map): void;
  onCenterChanged(center: google.maps.LatLng, map: google.maps.Map): void;
    e: google.maps.MapMouseEvent | google.maps.IconMouseEvent,
    map: google.maps.Map
  ): void;
  onContextMenu(e: google.maps.MapMouseEvent, map: google.maps.Map): void;
  onDoubleClick(e: google.maps.MapMouseEvent, map: google.maps.Map): void;
  onDrag(map: google.maps.Map): void;
  onDragEnd(map: google.maps.Map): void;
  onDragStart(map: google.maps.Map): void;
  onHeadingChanged(heading: number, map: google.maps.Map): void;
  onIdle(map: google.maps.Map): void;
  onMapTypeIdChanged(mapTypeId: string, map: google.maps.Map): void;
  onMouseMove(e: google.maps.MapMouseEvent, map: google.maps.Map): void;
  onMouseOut(e: google.maps.MapMouseEvent, map: google.maps.Map): void;
  onMouseOver(e: google.maps.MapMouseEvent, map: google.maps.Map): void;
    projection: google.maps.Projection,
    map: google.maps.Map
  ): void;
  onResize(map: google.maps.Map): void;
  onRightClick(e: google.maps.MapMouseEvent, map: google.maps.Map): void;
  onTilesLoaded(map: google.maps.Map): void;
  onTiltChanged(tilt: number, map: google.maps.Map): void;
  onZoomChanged(zoom: number, map: google.maps.Map): void;

creates GoogleMap component, for details see example


const useGoogleMap: () => google.maps.Map;

Context of GoogleMap component


const createMarkerComponent: (
  handlers: (
    | 'onClick'
    | 'onDoubleClick'
    | 'onDrag'
    | 'onDragEnd'
    | 'onDragStart'
    | 'onContextMenu'
    | 'onMouseOut'
    | 'onMouseOver'
    | 'onRightClick'
    | 'onAnimationChanged'
    | 'onClickableChanged'
    | 'onCursorChanged'
    | 'onDraggableChanged'
    | 'onFlatChanged'
    | 'onIconChanged'
    | 'onMouseDown'
    | 'onMouseUp'
    | 'onPositionChanged'
    | 'onShapeChanged'
    | 'onTitleChanged'
    | 'onVisibleChanged'
    | 'onZIndexChanged'
  state: (
    | 'animation'
    | 'clickable'
    | 'cursor'
    | 'draggable'
    | 'icon'
    | 'label'
    | 'opacity'
    | 'position'
    | 'shape'
    | 'title'
    | 'visible'
    | 'zIndex'
) => VFC<{
  defaultOptions?: Readonly<google.maps.MarkerOptions>;

  animation: google.maps.Animation;
  clickable: boolean;
  cursor: string;
  draggable: boolean;
  icon: string | google.maps.Icon | google.maps.Symbol;
  label: string | google.maps.MarkerLabel;
  opacity: number;
  position: google.maps.LatLng | google.maps.LatLngLiteral;
  shape: google.maps.MarkerShape;
  title: string;
  visible: boolean;
  zIndex: number;

    animation: google.maps.Animation,
    marker: google.maps.Marker
  ): void;
  onClick(e: google.maps.MapMouseEvent, marker: google.maps.Marker): void;
  onClickableChanged(clickable: boolean, marker: google.maps.Marker): void;
  onContextMenu(e: google.maps.MapMouseEvent): void;
  onCursorChanged(cursor: string, marker: google.maps.Marker): void;
  onDoubleClick(e: google.maps.MapMouseEvent, marker: google.maps.Marker): void;
  onDrag(e: google.maps.MapMouseEvent, marker: google.maps.Marker): void;
  onDragEnd(e: google.maps.MapMouseEvent, marker: google.maps.Marker): void;
  onDraggableChanged(draggable: boolean, marker: google.maps.Marker): void;
  onDragStart(e: google.maps.MapMouseEvent, marker: google.maps.Marker): void;
  onFlatChanged(marker: google.maps.Marker): void;
    icon: string | google.maps.Icon | google.maps.Symbol,
    marker: google.maps.Marker
  ): void;
  onMouseDown(e: google.maps.MapMouseEvent, marker: google.maps.Marker): void;
  onMouseOut(e: google.maps.MapMouseEvent, marker: google.maps.Marker): void;
  onMouseOver(e: google.maps.MapMouseEvent, marker: google.maps.Marker): void;
  onMouseUp(e: google.maps.MapMouseEvent, marker: google.maps.Marker): void;
    position: google.maps.LatLngLiteral,
    marker: google.maps.Marker
  ): void;
  onRightClick(e: google.maps.MapMouseEvent, marker: google.maps.Marker): void;
    shape: google.maps.MarkerShape,
    marker: google.maps.Marker
  ): void;
  onTitleChanged(title: string, marker: google.maps.Marker): void;
  onVisibleChanged(visible: boolean, marker: google.maps.Marker): void;
  onZIndexChanged(zIndex: number, marker: google.maps.Marker): void;

creates Marker component, for details see example


type C = FC | ComponentClass | keyof JSX.IntrinsicElements;

const OverlayView: FC<{
  mapPaneLayer?: keyof google.maps.MapPanes = 'overlayMouseTarget';
  component?: C;
  onAdd?: () => void;
  onDraw?: (x: number, y: number) => void;
  onRemove?: () => void;
  lat: number;
  lng: number;
}> &

OverlayView implementation

Name Description Default
mapPaneLayer? see 'overlayMouseTarget'
component? same to material-ui component props 'div'

Note: if you pass functional component to component prop, you should wrap it in forwardRef like in example below

const SomeComponent = forwardRef(({ children }, ref) => (
  <div ref={ref}>{children}</div>

const AnotherComponent = () => {
  const ref = useRef(null); // you can pass your own ref to OverlayView if you need it

  return (
    <OverlayView component={SomeComponent} lat={0} lng={0} ref={ref}>


const useAutocompleteService: () =>
  | google.maps.places.AutocompleteService
  | undefined;

returns undefined if google.maps is not loaded yet, throws error if loading is not started or if places not included to libraries in loader options


const useMarkerCluster: <T>(
  points: T[],
  options: UseMarkerClusterOptions<T>
) => {
  handleBoundsChange: (
    bounds: google.maps.LatLngBounds,
    map: google.maps.Map
  ) => void;
    | (<M, C>(
        markerMapper: MarkerMapper<T, M>,
        clusterMapper: ClusterMapper<C>,
        extend?: number | undefined
      ) => (M | C)[])
    | undefined;
  markerCluster: MarkerCluster<T>;
Name Description
points pints to clustering
getLngLat same to getLngLat param of marker-cluster constructor
options same to options param of marker-cluster constructor, but also includes asyncMode, it detects which method to use: load or load


Name Description
handleBoundsChange method which should be passed to GoogleMap onBoundsChanged prop, by default not wrapped in any method, but better to wrap it in throttle method, to avoid a lot of rerenders during bounds changing
getPoints method to get points in current zoom and bounds
markerCluster marker-cluster instance


MIT © Krombik