
Unofficial Google Sheets node API

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import googleSheetsApi from '';



Build Status

An unofficial client for reading data from Google Sheets, since googleapis does not come with one.

Table of contents


  1. Install module

    npm install google-sheets-api
  2. Create a project in Google Developer Console, for example: "Sheets App"

  3. Enable Drive API for project under APIs & auth > APIs

  4. Create service auth credentials for project under APIs & auth > Credentials > Create new Client ID: Service account

  5. Collect the listed service email address

  6. Regenerate and download the P12 key

  7. Convert the .p12 file into .pem format:

    openssl pkcs12 -in *.p12 -nodes -nocerts > sheets.pem

    when prompted for password, it's notasecret

  8. Share the Sheets document to service email address using the Share button

  9. Pick up the Sheets document id from URL or Share dialog. Example:

    # Sheets document browser URL
    # Sheets document id
  10. Put it all together:

    var fs = require('fs');
    var Promise = require('polyfill-promise');
    var Sheets = require('google-sheets-api').Sheets;
    // TODO: Replace these values with yours
    var documentId = 'generated-by-sheets';
    var serviceEmail = '';
    var serviceKey = fs.readFileSync('path/to/your/sheets.pem').toString();
    var sheets = new Sheets({ email: serviceEmail, key: serviceKey });
    .then(function(sheetsInfo) {
      // NOTE: Using first sheet in this example
      var sheetInfo = sheetsInfo[0];
      return Promise.all([
        sheets.getRange(documentId,, 'A1:C3')
    .then(function(sheets) {
      console.log('Sheets metadata:', sheets[0]);
      console.log('Sheets contents:', sheets[1]);
      console.error(err, 'Failed to read Sheets document');
  11. Success!


Relevant API methods, see code for details and internal ones.

NOTE: All the methods returns a native (polyfilled when needed) Promise.


Initialize Sheets client with provided options

  • @param {Object} options All the options
  • @param {String} Service email address
  • @param {String} options.key Service .PEM key contents

sheets.getSheets(id, sheetId)

Fetch info from one sheet

  • @param {String} id Sheets document id
  • @param {String} sheetId Worksheet id (use getSheets to fetch them)
  • @return {Promise} A promise that resolves to a list of worksheet info

sheets.getSheet(id, sheetId)

Fetch info from one sheet

  • @param {String} id Sheets document id
  • @param {String} sheetId Worksheet id (use getSheets to fetch them)
  • @return {Promise} A promise that resolves to a worksheet info containing id, title, rowCount, colCount and latest update info

sheets.getRange(id, sheetId, rangeInfo)

Retrieve cells based on given range

NOTE: If there are missing cells (no content) this function adds them there (unlike other functions), thus you'll always have full matrix

  • @param {String} id Sheet document id
  • @param {String} sheetId Sheet id
  • @param {Mixed} rangeInfo Range info as object or string like A2:D5 or A2:
  • @return {Array} Rows containing cells, like [[{A1}, {B1}], [{A2}, {B2}]]

sheets.getCells(id, sheetId)

Fetch cell contents from one worksheet

  • @param {String} id Sheets document id
  • @param {String} sheetId Worksheet id (use getSheets to fetch them)
  • @return {Promise} A promise that resolves to a list of rows


  • 0.4.3: Fixed JWT auth issue with recent Google API
  • 0.4.2: Updated dependencies / fixed vulnerabilities
  • 0.4.1: Fixed the double letter range issue, like: A1:AA5
  • 0.4.0: Added support for setting auth scope (makes module usable with other Google APIs as well)
  • 0.3.0: Using native promises if available, added rowCount and colCount to getSheet() response
  • 0.2.3: Improved documentation
  • 0.2.2: Fixed the issue the range with double digits, like A1:C10
  • 0.2.1: Fixed the documentation
  • 0.2.0: Added support for getRange()
  • 0.1.0: Initial release


Module is MIT -licensed


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