
Send http request via annotation by got

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import gotPlus from '';



  • got-plus is based on Got‘s Network request package
  • You only need to define the request method to use, Just like Openfegin
  • You can simply use network requests through annotations
  • Currently only supports application/json input and output, future versions will expand Got's more implementations


1. Use got-plus in JS

2. Use got-plus in TS

Use E.g

// Use E.g
 * define a get request

     url: 'http://third-service-host/id/{id}/name/{name}',
    method: RequestMethod.GET,
async myThirdGet(
    @Header() header, // HeaderSetting
    @PathVariable({ name: 'id' }) id, // PathParam
    @PathVariable({ name: 'name' }) name, // PathParam
    @QueryParam() query, // Queryparam
) {}

 * define a put request
    url: 'http://third-service-host/id/{id}',
    method: RequestMethod.PUT,
async myThirdPut(
    @Header() header, // HeaderSetting
    @PathVariable({ name: 'id' }) id, // PathParam
    @QueryParam() query, // Queryparam
    @Body() body, // Queryparam
) {}