
Grunt plugin deploying files with versions and specific parameters.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import gruntDeployer from '';



Grunt plugin deploying files with versions and specific parameters. Can also produce dynamic file names from config.


This plugin is used in solid web-base, a grunt boilerplate for solid web applications.

The plugin is a lot about config so we recommand using grunt-minimal-config

Config example

deployer: {
    options: {
        // Files we need to process
        // Keep it simple, no expand
        files: [
                src: '{= path.deploymentFiles }.htaccess',
                dest: '{= path.deploy }.htaccess'
                src: '{= path.deploymentFiles }.spec',

                // Note that templating works in detination files !
                dest: '{= path.deploy }%%specName%%.spec'

        // Auto-incremented version file (this file have to be semver formated, ex : "0.1.0")
        // By default, version is not modified.
        // Pass --patch in your CLI to increment patch number
        // Pass --minor in your CLI to increment minor number
        // Pass --major in your CLI to increment major number
        // Semver format : major.minor.patch
        versionFile: '{= path.deploymentFiles }version',

        // Delimiters (use regex notation)
        // Use only if you really need
        // delimiters: ['\%\%', '\%\%'],

        // Properties common for all targets
        properties: {
            specName : 'specTestName',
            bddLogin: 'root',
            bddPassword: ''

    // This task is only here to bump version but does deploy anything
    // To just increment and deploy nothing :
    // grunt deployer:increment --patch
    increment: { },

    // Different environment examples with different properties :

    // grunt deployer:local
    local: {
        properties: {
            baseURL : '/local/base/path/'

    // grunt deployer:staging
    staging: {
        properties: {
            baseURL : '/staging/base/path/'

            // Override common property
            specName : 'staging-specTestName'

    // grunt deployer:production
    production: {
        properties: {
            baseURL : '/'

            bddLogin: 'production',
            bddLogin: '!p@$W0rD!'


Incremented version file is injected in properties with key "version". Usefull for destination files or to track version in your runtime.


By default delimiters are %%myVar%%.

Exemple for the .htaccess file :

## Version %%version%%
RewriteBase %%baseURL%%

With the previous config, if you pass grunt deployer:local in your CLI, the output file will be :

## Version 0.1.2
RewriteBase /local/base/path/


Deploy for local env, no version increment :

grunt deployer:local

Deploy for local env, incrementing patch (0.0.X) :

grunt deployer:local --patch

Deploy for pre-production env, incrementing minor (0.X.0)

grunt deployer:preprod --minor

Deploy for production env, incrementing major (X.0.0)

grunt deployer:prod --major

Deploy for production, without incrementing

grunt deployer:preprod

Deploy nothing but just bump version number

grunt deployer:increment --minor