
Dojo template for grunt-contrib-jasmine

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import gruntTemplateJasmineDojo from '';


Dojo template for Jasmine unit tests

Grunt Jasmine template for Dojo Toolkit, inspired and informed by grunt-template-jasmine-requirejs.

Contributors welcome. Please raise issues and create pull requests as appropriate.


npm install grunt-template-jasmine-dojo --save-dev

Template Options


Type: Object

This object is JSON.stringify()-ed into the template and passed into dojoConfig variable.


Type String

The path to the dojo library on the system, in order to bootstrap Dojo.

Sample usage

    connect: {
        test: {
            options: {
                base: './',
                port: 8001
    jasmine: {
        test: {
            options: {
                host: 'http://localhost:8001/',
                specs: 'test/**/*.spec.js',
                template: require('grunt-template-jasmine-dojo'),
                templateOptions: {
                    dojoConfig: {
                        async: true,
                        baseUrl: 'staging/',
                        packages: [{
                            name: 'dojo',
                            location: 'lib/dojo'
                        }, {
                            name: 'dojox',
                            location: 'lib/dojox'
                        }, {
                            name: 'dijit',
                            location: 'lib/dijit'
                        }, {
                            name: 'app',
                            location: 'script'
                    dojoFile: 'bower_components/dojo/dojo.js'

grunt.registerTask('test', [

Note the usage of the 'connect' task configuration. You will need to use a task like grunt-contrib-connect if you need to test your tasks on a running server.

Sample test

For reference, here's a simple test that uses Dojo code. Note that you do not need to specify any source files in the config, as they can all be loaded via AMD once the dojoConfig has been set.

describe('MyController', function() {
    require(['app/controller/MyController'], function(MyController) {
        it('Can set async value', function(done) {
            MyController.setValueAsync('newValue').then(function() {

Authors / Maintainers

  • Martin Doyle (@MartinDoyleUK)