
Gulp plugin to deploy files to a JFrog Artifactory server.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import gulpArtifactoryUpload from '';



This project is no longer maintained

Gulp plugin to deploy files to a JFrog Artifactory server. Unlike grunt-artifactory-artifact, works on Windows/Mac/Linux

npm install gulp-artifactory-upload --save-dev

Example usage

var artifactoryUpload = require('gulp-artifactory-upload');

gulp.task( 'deploy', function() {
    return gulp.src( '' )
        .pipe( artifactoryUpload( {
                url: '',
                username: 'user', // optional
                password: 'password', // optional,
                rename: function( filename ) { return filename + "1"; }, // optional
                properties: {
                    // artifact properties to be appended to the URL
                request: {
                    // options that are passed to request.put()
            } ) )
        .on('error', gutil.log);
} );

To create zip files, i would recommend archiver or gulp-zip for integration with gulp