
Run Jasmine tests in browser with livereload

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import gulpJasmineLivereloadTask from '';



A gulp plugin that runs Jasmine tests in browser with livereload. The package will try to use the latests local jasmine-core if exists. If not it will use an embedded version.

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$ npm install --save-dev jasmine-core gulp-jasmine-livereload-task

Basic usage

This is a sample gulpfile.js

var gulp    = require('gulp'),
    jasmine = require('gulp-jasmine-livereload-task');

gulp.task('default', jasmine({
    files: ['./src/**/*.js', './spec/**/*.js']

Watch debounce

This package is using gulp-debounced-watch for watching for file changes. Debounce options can be set in options

var gulp    = require('gulp'),
    jasmine = require('gulp-jasmine-livereload-task');

gulp.task('default', jasmine({
    files: ['./src/**/*.js', './spec/**/*.js'],
    watch: {
        options: {
            debounceTimeout: 1000, //The number of milliseconds to debounce.
            debounceImmediate: true //This option when set will issue a callback on the first event.

Using with jshint

The package will try to use the latests local jshint if exists. If not it will use an embedded version.

$ npm install --save-dev jshint
var gulp    = require('gulp'),
    jasmine = require('gulp-jasmine-livereload-task');

gulp.task('default', jasmine({
    files: ['./src/**/*.js', './spec/**/*.js'],
    jshint: {
        files: ['./src/**/*.js', './spec/**/*.js'],
        options: {
            curly: true,
            white: true,
            indent: 2

Using with webserving

var gulp    = require('gulp'),
    jasmine = require('gulp-jasmine-livereload-task');

gulp.task('default', jasmine({
    files: ['./src/**/*.js', './spec/**/*.js'],
    host: 'mucsi-laptop',
    port: 8080,


These options can be set through jasmine(options).

files               Source files and specs
jasmine             Embedded jasmine version. Default: 2.2. Embedded versions: 1.3, 2.0, 2.1, 2.2
livereload          Livereload server port. Default: 35729
host                Host name. If need to be served
port                Port number. If need to be served
staticAssetsPath    The root path of the static files served by the webserver, by default it is the plugin folder
specRunner          The path of the SpecRunner.html file, by default it is the plugin folder / SpecRunner.html
jshint.files        Files to be checked by jshint
jshint.options      Options used by jshint
jshint.version      Embedded Jshint version. Default: 2.6. Embedded versions: 2.6
watch.options       Options used by gulp-debounced-watch package used for watching for file changes


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