
Like bash scripts, but in JavaScript!

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import gushio from '';



Like bash scripts, but in JavaScript!

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Gushio* is built on top of battle-tested libraries like commander and shelljs and allows you to write a multiplatform shell script in a single JavaScript file without having to worry about package.json and dependencies installation.

* Gushio is pronounced like the italian word "guscio" (IPA: /'guʃʃo/) which means "shell".


Install with npm:

npm install -g gushio

A quick note about the docs

For documentation on all the latest features, check out our README. To read docs that are consistent with the latest release, check out the npm page.


Creating a Gushio script

A Gushio script file is a standard JavaScript file which exports an asynchronous run function:

module.exports = {
    run: async () => {
        console.log('Hello world!')

Scripting utilities

The code executed inside the run function has access to some special utilities which are not available in a standard Node.js context.

Write styled text

You can change output text color directly from the string itself. For example:

module.exports = {
    run: async () => {
        console.log('Hello stylish world!'.blue.bold.italic)

For a complete reference of the available styles see ansi-colors.

Await with spinners

You can await a long promise to resolve while showing a spinner with console.spinner(). For example:

module.exports = {
    run: async () => {
        const myPromise = someLongOperation()
        const promiseResult = await console.spinner(myPromise, 'Performing a long task') // Await the spinner, not the promise!

console.spinner() is a wrapper around ora; check that for a complete reference.

Read user input

You can read user input with console.input(). For example:

module.exports = {
    run: async () => {
        const userInput = await console.input(
            {type: 'input', name: 'username', message: 'Tell me your username'},
            {type: 'input', name: 'email', message: 'And your email address'}
        console.log(`Your name is "${}" and your email address is <${}>`)

For a complete reference of the available input types and configurations see enquirer.

HTTP(S) requests

You can make HTTP and HTTPS requests directly using fetch, which is a wrapper around node-fetch:

module.exports = {
    run: async () => {
        const googleHomePage = await fetch('')
        console.log(await googleHomePage.text())
File System

You can access the file system directly using the fs object, which is a wrapper around fs-extra:

module.exports = {
    run: async () => {
        const myFile = await fs.readFile('./somefile.txt')

Additionally, Gushio provides fs.glob, a promisified version of glob:

module.exports = {
    run: async () => {
        const matches = await fs.glob('myPath/*.txt')

Also, instead of const path = require('path') you can simply access fs.path.


JavaScript already provides JSON object for handling JSON format. Gushio adds a similar support for the YAML format via the YAML global objects which is the yaml library:

module.exports = {
    run: async () => {
        const yamlFile = await fs.readFile('myFile.yml').toString()
        const asJson = JSON.stringify(YAML.parse(yamlFile))
Exit with error

If you need to notify to the user the failure of your script you can simply throw an Error (possibly with an informative message). Gushio will automatically print your message with console.error() and exit with code 1. If you want to write more compact code, you can also throw the error message string directly, instead of creating an Error object.

Do not use process.exit() to make your script fail!

Gushio utilities

Gushio provides one additional global object: gushio.

With you can execute another gushio script. The target script runs in the same process of the "parent" script and inherits its Gushio settings (folder, verbose mode, ...).

module.exports = {
    run: async () => {
        // the following notations are the same
        await'somePath/myOtherScript.js', 'arg1 arg2 --flag "flag value 1" --other-flag')
        await'somePath/myOtherScript.js', ['arg1', 'arg2', '--flag', 'flag value 1', '--other-flag'])


You can use NPM packages in your Gushio script. All dependencies are automatically downloaded by the Gushio runner and they are available for require() only inside the run() function. Requiring a dependency outside such function will lead to unknown results (probably an error will be thrown).

To add a dependency to your script, you need to export a deps array like this:

module.exports = {
    deps: [
        {name: 'my-dependecy'}
    run: async () => {

For each dependency you must specify the name (as found on NPM). You can add a version field to specify the version of the dependency you desire. When it is not specified, the latest version of that package is used.

Additionally, you can specify an alias field to use multiple versions of the same module:

module.exports = {
    deps: [
        {name: 'is-odd', version: '^3.0.1'},
        {name: 'is-odd', version: '1.0.0', alias: 'old-odd'},
    run: async () => {
        const isOdd = require('is-odd')
        const old_isOdd = require('old-odd')
        console.log('15 is odd: ' + isOdd(15))
        console.log('15 was odd: ' + old_isOdd(15))

When you provide an alias, the dependency is accessible via such string, otherwise the dependency name is used.

Here are some examples of libraries you can add to superpower your scripts:

Default dependencies

By default, Gushio provides shelljs, a portable implementation of unix shell commands (it is available via require('shelljs')).


If your script needs some arguments, you can specify them in the cli object:

module.exports = {
    cli: {
        arguments: [
            {name: '<quix>', description: 'the first argument'},
            {name: '<layout>', choices: ['qwerty', 'dvorak']},
            {name: '[quak]', description: 'the third (and optional) argument', default: 69420}
    run: async (args, options) => {
        const [quix, quak] = args

Use angular brackets (<>) for required arguments and square brackets ([]) for optional arguments. For each argument you can add a description to be shown in the help and a default value to be used when the argument is not provided. You can also allow a limited set of values by adding a choices array of strings.

The last argument (and only the last argument) can also be variadic (can receive multiple values) by appending ... to its name:

module.exports = {
    cli: {
        arguments: [
            {name: '<quix>', description: 'the first argument'},
            {name: '[quaks...]', description: 'the last argument (can have many values)'}

The values of the arguments are provided as an array in the first parameter of the run function.


If your script needs some flags, you can specify them in the cli object:

module.exports = {
    cli: {
        options: [
            {flags: '-f, --foo', description: 'the foo flag (boolean)'},
            {flags: '-b, --bar [broom]', description: 'the bar flag (optional)', default: 'no_broom', env: 'MY_BAR'},
            {flags: '-B, --baz <baam>', description: 'the baz flag', choices: ['swish', 'swoosh']},
    run: async (args, options) => {
        const {foo, bar, baz} = options

Use angular brackets (<>) for required flag values and square brackets ([]) for optional flag values. If you need a boolean flag don't add a flag argument. For each flag you can add:

  • a description to be shown in the help;
  • a default value to be used when the flag is not provided;
  • a choices array of strings to allow only a limited set of values;
  • a env variable name to read the value from (if the flag is not provided, then the environment variable is checked; if such variable is not set, then the default value is used).

An option can also be variadic (can receive multiple values) by appending ... to its argument name:

module.exports = {
    cli: {
        options: [
            {flags: '-B, --baz <values...>', description: 'the baz flag (multiple values allowed)'},

The values of the flags are provided as an object in the second parameter of the run function.

Script metadata

In the cli object you can also add some metadata which can be displayed in the script help:

module.exports = {
    cli: {
        name: 'my-awesome-script',
        description: 'An awesome description of what this script does',
        version: '4.2.0',
        afterHelp: 'This string will be shown after the script help',
    run: async (args, options) => {

Running a Gushio script

To run a Gushio script pass the script to the gushio executable. If your script needs arguments and/or options, you can pass them after the script path.

gushio path/to/script_file.js arg1 arg2 --option1 foo --option2 bar baz bau

You can also run remote scripts directly: if the script path is a URL, the gushio executable automatically retrieves the remote code before running it.

On Linux and macOS you can also run the script directly:

  1. Add the shabang to the script (#!/usr/bin/gushio or #!/usr/bin/env gushio)
  2. Make the script executable
    chmod +x path/to/script_file.js
  3. Run the script
    path/to/script_file.js arg1 arg2 --option1 foo --option2 bar baz bau

Gushio flags

Gushio can receive options before the script argument. The following options are available:

  • -v, --verbose enable verbose logging (also available by setting GUSHIO_VERBOSE environment variable).
  • -f <folder>, --gushio-folder <folder> change gushio cache folder (also available by setting GUSHIO_FOLDER environment variable). The default value is the .gushio folder in the user home directory.
  • -c, --clean-run clear gushio cache folder before running the script (dependencies will be re-downloaded).


Why should I use Gushio?

We don't claim that Gushio is the perfect solution for everyone. However, we believe that in some circumstances you should give it a try:

  • if you need your script to run on different platforms (Windows, Linux, macOS);
  • if you want to write automation scripts for a JavaScript/TypeScript project;
  • if you want your script to be more easily maintainable than a Bash/PowerShell script;
  • if you would like to use functionalities from NPM libraries in your script;

How is gushio different from zx?

There are two main differences between zx and gushio:

  1. zx uses ESM while gushio uses CJS. This choice has some major implications in how you can write a script and how you import/require dependencies.
  2. zx doesn't provide a way to use NPM libraries in the scripts.

Apart from that, there are some other minor differences in the functionalities provided out of the box. For example, zx uses chalk and globby while gushio uses ansi-colors and glob.

We think they are both fantastic tools, and we encourage folks to use zx instead of gushio if it makes sense for their use-case.


See the LICENSE file for license rights and limitations (MIT).