
An utility function to check if any arbitrary object has any property on any deep level.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import hasDeepValue from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/has-deep-value';



Very small (only 179 bytes), lightweight, tested and dependency free utility function to (deeply) inspect Javascript objects. With has-deep-value you can easily check if any object contains a given property at any level deep, accounts for falsey values too. Also includes a curried version and supports object path (dot notation) to keep api usage clear.


$ npm install --save has-deep-value


Note: use .hasDeepValue for the normal function and .has for the curried version

const hasDeepValue = require('has-deep-value').hasDeepValue;
hasDeepValue({ hello: 'world' }, 'hello'); //-> true

Accounts for all values, including all falsey values, e.g.:

  • ''
  • false
  • NaN
  • 0
  • undefined
  • null


Included is an index.d.ts file, Typescript should automatically pick this file up and apply the typings across your codebase.

import { hasDeepValue, has } from "has-deep-value";
hasDeepValue({ hello: "world" }, "hello"); //-> true
has("hello.world")({ hello: { world: "" } }); //-> true



hasDeepValue({ hello: 'world' }, 'hello'); //-> true
hasDeepValue({ hello: { world: '' } }, 'hello.world'); //-> true
hasDeepValue({ hello: { world: { deep: null } } }, 'hello.world.deep'); //-> true
hasDeepValue({ hello: { world: { deep: () => 100; } } }, 'hello.world.deep'); //-> true

hasDeepValue({ hello: { world: '' } }, 'hello.world.deep'); //-> false

hasDeepValue('', ''); //-> false
hasDeepValue(undefined, 'undefined'); //-> false
hasDeepValue(false, 'false'); //-> false
hasDeepValue(null, 'null'); //-> false
hasDeepValue(0, 'hello'); //-> false
hasDeepValue(NaN, 'world'); //-> false
hasDeepValue(() => {}, 'f'); //-> false


const has = require('has-deep-value').has;
const hasHelloWorld = has('hello.world');
hasHelloWorld({ hello: { world: '' } }); //-> true
hasHelloWorld({ helloworld: '' }); //-> false

// Etc... the same usage of the default case
const objects = [{...}, {...}, {...}];
// Check if all objects conform to { hello: { world: '' } }
if (objects.map(hasHelloWorld).every(e => e)) {
// A different example
if (objects.map(has('account.profile.image')).every(e => e)) {


Copyright © 2018-2021, Alex Burghardt. Made available under the MIT license.