
Seach generator plugin for Hexo

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import hexoGeneratorSearchCst from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/hexo-generator-search-cst';



npm npm

Generate search data for Hexo 3.0. This plugin is used for generating a search index file, which contains all the neccessary data of your articles that you can use to write a local search engine for your blog. Supports both XML and JSON format output.



nunjucks默认占位符 修改后的占位符
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Template render error: (unknown path) [Line 37, Column 81]
  expected variable end

Unhandled rejection Template render error: (unknown path) [Line 10, Column 95]
  unexpected token: #

当然也有其他解决方案,但是自定义模板占位符是比较好的方法,详细可以看如下博客: 如何从根本解决hexo不兼容{{}}标签问题


$ npm install hexo-generator-search-cst --save


You can configure this plugin in your root _config.yml.

  path: search.xml
  field: post
  • path - file path. By default is search.xml . If the file extension is .json, the output format will be JSON. Otherwise XML format file will be exported.
  • field - the search scope you want to search, you can chose:
    • post (Default) - will only covers all the posts of your blog.
    • page - will only covers all the pages of your blog.
    • all - will covers all the posts and pages of your blog.


What's this plugin supposed to do?

This plugin is used for generating a xml / json file from your Hexo blog that provides data for searching.

Where's this file saved to?

After executing hexo g you will get the generated result at your public folder.

How to use this plugin in my Hexo blog?

You have two choices:

  • you don't want to write search engine by yourself. There are many themes that take use this plugin for local searching that works out of box.
  • you are familiar with Ajax and jQuery and would like to write your own search engine. You can implement one by yourself according to the example theme I give. Read the source code of this theme. Generally there are 3 steps:
    1. write a search view. This is the place for displaying a search form and search results ;
    2. write a search script. This script tells the browser how to grab search data and filter out contents what we're searching;
    3. tell hexo to connect the above two part.