
NPM package that uses Javascript RegEx that checks common inputs like numbers, alpha numeric, email and url.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import heyRegex from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/hey-regex';



NPM package that uses Javascript RegEx that checks common inputs like numbers, alpha numeric, email and url.

Build Status


npm i hey-regex --save

Setup & Basic Usage

const heyRegex = require('hey-regex')
// or ES6 import
import heyRegex from 'hey-regex'

console.log(heyRegex.isWholeNumber(123)) // returns true
console.log(heyRegex.isWholeNumber(123.3)) // returns false

console.log(heyRegex.isDecimalNumber(12.3)) // returns true
console.log(heyRegex.isDecimalNumber(123.37777, "roundOff)) // returns true

console.log(heyRegex.isAlphaNumeric("testing01", "withoutSpace")) // returns true
console.log(heyRegex.isAlphaNumeric("hello world", "withSpace")) // returns true
console.log(heyRegex.isAlphaNumeric("hello world", "withoutSpace")) // returns false

console.log(heyRegex.isEmailId("email@subdomain.example.com", "common")) // returns true

console.log(heyRegex.isEmailId("firstname+lastname@example.com", "uncommon")) // returns true

console.log(heyRegex.isUrl("https://bing.com", "withProtocol")) // returns true
console.log(heyRegex.isUrl("https://bing.com", "optionalProtocol")) // returns true
console.log(heyRegex.isUrl("bing.com", "optionalProtocol")) // returns true

Additional Info

| Functions | Options | | - | - | - | | isWholeNumber() | none | If number is whole number or not | | isDecimalNumber() | roundOff (Optional only) | | isAlphaNumeric() | withSpace & withoutSpace | | isEmailId() | common & uncommon | | isUrl() | withProtocol & optionalProtocol |

(Will add more regEx checker in the future if necessary.)

RegEx Used

Visit the regEx-utils.js file.


Feel free to clone or fork this project: https://github.com/deanilvincent/hey-regex.git

Contributions & pull requests are welcome!

I'll be glad if you give this project a ★ on Github :)


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.